Question for the high school parents

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Mar 4, 2015
New England
The coach shouldn't have made the wise comment about remembering how to play softball. If I asked one of my students if they forgot how to do calculus everytime one of them fumbled over it in one of my classes which requires knowledge of it, I would probably be having a meeting with my Dean eventually...

I assume the coach's intent was simply to make the point that he wants his players to be versatile, ie, a ball player is a ball player, and that if you can play third base, you ought to be able to play second base. But if the player went away thinking that it was a snide comment, that's still a failure to communicate. Hard to judge it without having witnessed it or gotten the coach's side.
Jun 8, 2016
I assume the coach's intent was simply to make the point that he wants his players to be versatile, ie, a ball player is a ball player, and that if you can play third base, you ought to be able to play second base. But if the player went away thinking that it was a snide comment, that's still a failure to communicate. Hard to judge it without having witnessed it or gotten the coach's side.
I am sure his intent was good, delivery needed some work if those were the words he used. All he had to say was that you look like a ballplayer and on my team ballplayers are expected to have versatility..or something like that.

Now if he had developed some rapport with the kid first, and delivered the statement with a smile, it would be a different story.
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Apr 17, 2019
Not wearing TB shirts to practice is not unreasonable.

It also doesn't seem unreasonable to ask your DD to play another position. Unless he is asking her to P or C and she hasn't done that before what's the problem?

Somewhere on the internet there is a High School softball coach posting about how to handle new unreasonable parents.

She wasn’t complaining about playing the position, she just said she had forgotten how to play the position.

And I’m not saying she won’t have to adapt and adjust, my biggest issue with him so far was the comment he had made.
May 17, 2012
And I’m not saying she won’t have to adapt and adjust, my biggest issue with him so far was the comment he had made.

I don't know it's hard to say when we don't have context. Maybe he said it sarcastically, maybe he said it with a smile, who knows. If you talk long enough as a coach you are bound to say something stupid.

The larger point would be if you poison this relationship your DD will sour on it as well. Try and learn something from each coach you play. While he may be poor at communication he might have some great insight on batting or fielding that could help her.
May 11, 2018
as a parent you need to stay out of it. My DD is the starting pitcher and plays SS for a top regional national team. this was her freshmen year last year. Her HS coach told her she is to short to pitch and play infield she's 5'6" throws 60-63 spins. she sat in the outfield and had the highest batting average on the team. he kept trying to use her as an example of how not swing the bat. the guy is a meat head. it was really hard, but i just kept my mouth shut all spring. good luck and have very low expectations.
Jun 8, 2016
My DD threw me under the bus in MS ball. Team didn't really have any catchers (or many kids who could catch the ball period...) so the coach asked DD to catch. I wasn't too happy about it, mainly because I was worried about her getting hurt. I told DD to do what the coach asks but that I wasn't too fond of her catching. At the team banquet coach gets up there to talk and says "DD did a great job catching for us this year even though her father didn't want her to do it.." Luckily I wasn't at the banquet or I would have hard pressed not to say something wise back to him..
Apr 17, 2019
as a parent you need to stay out of it. My DD is the starting pitcher and plays SS for a top regional national team. this was her freshmen year last year. Her HS coach told her she is to short to pitch and play infield she's 5'6" throws 60-63 spins. she sat in the outfield and had the highest batting average on the team. he kept trying to use her as an example of how not swing the bat. the guy is a meat head. it was really hard, but i just kept my mouth shut all spring. good luck and have very low expectations.

Ya I don’t plan on saying anything, when he says something about her shirt, and other girls had non school shirts on and not even the right colors, I asked if he was messing with her. She said she didn’t know so I told her he was probably joking around or trying to.

The snide comment I just told her to ignore it, and not let it bother her people will always say things that you don’t like and you just have to ignore them.

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