1st year 14u - Swing mechanics what to work on

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on the journey
Nov 9, 2015
SE Wisconsin
No problem, if that's the way you feel. I'm just trying to point out that Length by trying to reach back for more , is not "Separation". It's just simply Length. in the swing. The longer you get, the more muscled up your are going to need to be to get everything going. JMO
Got it thanks. That has been alot of the misunderstanding for me is length v separation. I guess i am not sure what separation is if it is not a span of length between the two things you are separating. sometimes they seem to be used interchangeably. Ie when i first heard the term, walk away from the hands. That causes length, but if that is not separation, then i guess that is my issue.
Apr 20, 2018
I’m not saying Griffey didn’t have any ?. Also a lot of hitters get into the legs more when they are fooled by something off speed.. Manny may be into his legs more on that pitch he is way out front on.. but his posture he is also bending at the waste more. For the record, I didn’t say the legs don’t play a role in establishing posture... I just don’t believe posture is preset.. how much lateral tilt will depend on pitch location which happens at heel plant/toe touch... the Betts and Miggy stills illustrate that quite clearly
Great hitters will use any means to square up the ball. They will bend at the waist/pelvis more, bend at the knees more, change their arm slot in order to hit the ball coming at them at speeds between 75 and 100 mph. That's why you can see gifs that show the same hitter doing different things in their swing. Bending or not bending, extending or not extending, ect. Guys with perfect BP swings are in the minors.
Bellinger and Trout (others too) both stand very erect (little pelvis tilt) in the box and then as part of their gather/load they fall into their posture as the pitch is delivered. I think it is a way for them to stay relaxed and not tense up. Has anybody ever tried to teach this approach?
Oct 2, 2017
Got it thanks. That has been alot of the misunderstanding for me is length v separation. I guess i am not sure what separation is if it is not a span of length between the two things you are separating. sometimes they seem to be used interchangeably. Ie when i first heard the term, walk away from the hands. That causes length, but if that is not separation, then i guess that is my issue.

IMO, its just terminology, often used interchangebal. That can cause confusion. Maybe here is a way to think of the terms so that its not confusing. When you hear "Walk Away from the hands" That is Separation, by definition - the action or state of moving or being moved apart. So 2 parts moving away from each other. They are not connected, there is space inbetween. When you hear "pull back" - That is stretch - Think of a rubber band. You cannot separate a rubber band into 2 parts, but you can stretch a rubber band and make it tighter.

The hands can be moved freely independent of the body (Core, Legs). They are not connected in a sense. So you can as I stated above, you can Separate the hands from the body and make them further apart.

The Upper body though cannot be separated from the lower body, They are one whole connected unit like a rubber band. Therefore you can as I stated above Stretch them and make them tighter. Which is what the gentleman was doing in the video I shared at the 5:15 mark.

I hope this doesn't confuse, just trying to give a different angle to understand it.
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May 12, 2016
Great hitters will use any means to square up the ball. They will bend at the waist/pelvis more, bend at the knees more, change their arm slot in order to hit the ball coming at them at speeds between 75 and 100 mph. That's why you can see gifs that show the same hitter doing different things in their swing. Bending or not bending, extending or not extending, ect. Guys with perfect BP swings are in the minors.
Bellinger and Trout (others too) both stand very erect (little pelvis tilt) in the box and then as part of their gather/load they fall into their posture as the pitch is delivered. I think it is a way for them to stay relaxed and not tense up. Has anybody ever tried to teach this approach?
Personally it matters very little to me how a batter stands in the box when discussing the posture that is established during the swing. How a batter stands is just style.. comfort level etc. And yes hitters will do anything to get bat on ball.. like I said there are exceptions, hitting the ball with one knee on the ground, lunging with one hand on the bat etc.. exceptions. 90% of MLB swings are aligned, shoulders to hands, hands to bat.. the plane of the shoulders match the location of the pitch.. posture is adjusted and maintained for pitch location

Vlad during forward move.. standing more upright. You can see the belt on his waist

Just after heel plant, belt has disappeared.. lateral tilt is more acute, posture is greater. It's just before heel plant Vlad sets posture that will be maintained through out the swing...
unless he has done a piss poor job of reading the pitch and needs to adjust.. but again that's an exception, one that can be executed because the hitter has good posture and can adjust
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Mar 11, 2010
Great hitters will use any means to square up the ball. They will bend at the waist/pelvis more, bend at the knees more, change their arm slot in order to hit the ball coming at them at speeds between 75 and 100 mph. That's why you can see gifs that show the same hitter doing different things in their swing. Bending or not bending, extending or not extending, ect. Guys with perfect BP swings are in the minors.
Bellinger and Trout (others too) both stand very erect (little pelvis tilt) in the box and then as part of their gather/load they fall into their posture as the pitch is delivered. I think it is a way for them to stay relaxed and not tense up. Has anybody ever tried to teach this approach?

This is what I have been trying to describe here and elsewhere for years.. Get the pre-pitch actions correct and hitters will get into a leveraged fyb hitting position naturally and reactively.


All I know is I don't know
Jan 13, 2020
More science :unsure: Just stressing there are many different swing types and while coaching i am not going to make all of my hitters adapt to one style. They need to find their own and coach can tweak.

- Sierra Romero Swing Analysis How does she anchor her back foot and still produce torque?


on the journey
Nov 9, 2015
SE Wisconsin
Update. Game swings are still sloppy. Alot of being late, then trying to correct. Still popping out of stance and early elbow slot with no barrel action. This is one video that i think she did a good job of sitting on the changeup though. Still slotted elbow before launch, so normal for her. Outfield was a 290 fence and we had been pelting them so outfielder sitting deep caught for an out. Still solid contact.



on the journey
Nov 9, 2015
SE Wisconsin
After weekend, worked on better elbow slotting and trying to get better posture. 2 examples of tee swings, first is a tee farther out but not as good posture shows getting jammed with less power (though both are not full speed swings, just trying to get the feel.)

Second is where the tee is actually deeper and she has better posture IMO and is able to get some extension and whip into contact. Starting to feel the effortless power.

Edit: actually when viewing side by side, she just gets better release and extension in the second and isn't pulling rotationally around body before and after contact.


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