?When the light bulb goes on...

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Possibilities & Opportunities!
Dec 13, 2019
When players strive to become better,
Keep taking the opportunity's to learn new things, even though they may be different than what they have already done, to then recognize there is a better way
= is awesome!

Applaud the efforts of athletes who strive to continue to grow! ?
Apr 20, 2018
Players/parents/ coaches willing to consider/ embrace new or different ideas will grow the most.
Read a book on the mental part of the game.
Get a Steve Springer CD. Do something different. Add something to your routine.

Players should seek out 2nd opinions. If your hitting .195 or having trouble throwing strikes go take a lesson from a different coach.
A switch might turn on the light bulb.
Dec 2, 2013
I noticed something in DD's swing that was causing "power leakage" by not finishing her swing. We go to the "softball dojo" aka the garage and I asked that she work on something a little different. She was NOT having it. We got into a fight and I said, apparently you know it all. I left out of frustration and let her work on her own. That was that. Fast forward to TB practice a couple of days later. I'm sitting in the stands yuckin' it up with the other parents and DD gets my attention. She wants me to see what she was doing on the TEE. She was doing what we were trying to work on and she gives me a thumbs up indicating that she liked the results. That very same weekend we had our last tourney of the fall. She had never hit a ball over the fence in practice or a game. Warning track power. Her last AB she hit the top of the fence!

TB was over for the fall. Fast forward to her first official HS game and AB. She hits her very 1st OTF HR!!! I nearly fell out of the stands. Got that video still!

Just that little change made the biggest difference.
Apr 20, 2018
A little tweak or a new cue might make a big change. Your swing probably doesn't need a complete overhaul.

Remember somethings you try might not work and you don't want to be trying out every new fad that comes by. Use discernment and take recommendations from already successful coaches.

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