What to Teach the Runner ?

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Feb 7, 2014
I know the topic of obstruction comes up regularly in the Rules thread, but my question isn't so much what is the rule, but what do you teach the runner?

The scenario from yesterday is this: DD is on second. Ball is hit towards shortstop. DD hesitates or stutters because shortstop is 'camped out in the base path.' Eventually DD makes her way around the back side of the shortstop who then fielded the ball and threw DD out at third. No obstruction was called by the umpire and DD chose not to go 'all Albert Belle' on the shortstop. So my question is what do you teach the runner? I think if the runner makes contact with the shortstop it's an easy call. Am I correct in that assumption?
Oct 11, 2010
Chicago, IL
It is an easier call anyways. Toss the runner and call obstruction should be the call.

I understand your frustration but I teach runners to avoid contact.
Jun 7, 2013
If the shortstop was simply blocking the base path and the runner makes contact (doesn't have to be a tackle) it could be obstruction on the fielder. However, since the shortstop was in the process of fielding a ball the fielder has a right to be there and if contact is made then it would obstruction on the runner. In this case, your DD did the right thing.
Nov 17, 2010
Was there a runner on first? If not, I would instruct that runner to not run into an out!

If there was a runner on first, then the runner did what she should have. Keep clear of the fielder, avoid the interference call, and take your chances that the fielder doesn't make the play at third.


Allergic to BS
Nov 14, 2014
I know the topic of obstruction comes up regularly in the Rules thread, but my question isn't so much what is the rule, but what do you teach the runner?

The scenario from yesterday is this: DD is on second. Ball is hit towards shortstop. DD hesitates or stutters because shortstop is 'camped out in the base path.' Eventually DD makes her way around the back side of the shortstop who then fielded the ball and threw DD out at third. No obstruction was called by the umpire and DD chose not to go 'all Albert Belle' on the shortstop. So my question is what do you teach the runner? I think if the runner makes contact with the shortstop it's an easy call. Am I correct in that assumption?

The fielder has the right to field a batted ball, and can "camp" in the base path. If she is in the act of fielding the ball, or is in possession of the ball, there is no obstruction. If the runner makes contact with the shortstop, she is OUT because of interference (if fielding) or a possibly tag (in possession). Crashing into the SS may get the runner ejected.

Running behind a fielder on or near the base path is the move least likely to draw an interference call. Contact with the fielder (while fielding) will draw an interference call 99.9% of the time, and even running closely in front of a fielder on or near the base path can draw an interference call. Safest place is behind. The runner can run outside the base path to avoid interference, just not a tag.

Obstruction only comes into play when the fielder isn't actually fielding a hit ball, and is in the runner's path without the ball.
Sep 29, 2014
To that topic what should you teach your runner?

If you are on 2B and nobody is on first and a ball is hit to SS you can still take your lead then stop and wait DO NOT run to third unless the SS has thrown the ball to first and she is fairly sure she can make it (usually deep or to 3B side of SS).

If there is a runner on first and second the runner on second needs to run as fast as she can on a ground ball no matter where it is, I would usually run behind the SS so the SS can't just reach out and tag you, it also reduces your chance of an interference call and the SS is usually charging the ball so your path behind her opens up.

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