What size Kryo should we get!

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Jun 22, 2024
Central texas
Bat sizing up advise!

My kid is 8 about to be 9 in October. She has a 31 20oz Spryte and 30 29 oz 2024 ghost advanced. She can handle both very, very well. She is 5ft tall and stupid strong. I am getting her the new Kryo bat next weekend and I'm trying to decide what size to go with. I believe she could definitely handle a 32 or even 34 but don't know if we should do it. She just started softball in spring ball of this year. We are now in fall ball. She will be doing 8u in spring and then moving to 10u fall 2025. I want the kryo to atleast last her until end of fall 2025 so that's why I'm considering moving to a 32 or even 34.

Give me advise please!
Apr 26, 2019
Irrespective of what you think, she should not be swinging a 34 inch bat. My daughter is 15, 5'5", an athlete and strong. She swings a 33 drop 9. Her two coaches, both former D1 softball players have commented on her being strong using a 33 drop 9.

However, if you wish to spend that kind of money buying an 8 year old a 34 inch bat and then have to spend more soon after to get one she can handle effectively, go ahead.

And for what it's worth, I'm not trying to be mean but I am being matter of fact. There are plenty of men and women here who have been around this game for more than ten minutes. There is a good amount of knowledge to be gained if one has an open mind and is willing to listen.

Edit: To help put this in perspective, Ted Williams, one of the greatest hitters ever, was 6'3". He used a 35 inch bat that weighed 33 or 34 ouces. He wasn't "stupid strong" for an 8 year old girl. He was a grown man who could absolutely hit.

A guy told me something a few years ago. It made a lot of sense. "The main thing that ruins youth sports is the parents."
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DFP Vendor
Jun 29, 2021
A 34 is insane for someone her age. To get a 34" Kryo, you'd have to get a 34-24, as the largest -11 they make is a 33-22.

I would even say a 32 might be too big for her.

Here's a tip I got from a 25 year D1 HC about bat sizes. Have her swing the bat as if she's taking a full swing. Then have her check her swing. If the bat drags her through the zone when she tries to check it, the bat is too big. If she can check a full power swing, she can handle the size. For the record: I have yet to see any 9 year-old swing anything that large with any success. Heck, my 20 year-old daughter, who plays in college, just made the switch to a 34-24.
Jun 22, 2024
Central texas
This is why it says need help lol I have no idea what would work best for her. I do feel she has better contact with the 31 than the 30. So if anything I'll stick with a 31 vs the 30. But this was a help me post. As I stated this is her first year making it my first year dealing with it all. I wasn't a sports person when I was younger so I know nothing lol

I want to make sure I get the right size for her when I get the kryo and didn't want the wrong size to bite her in the rear. Not taking offense to anyone's comments. I need the truth since I'm helping her purchase it. She's putting forth half the cost because it's what she really wants. She makes bracelets and has been saving since she started to get a new bat. I just want to help her with making the right decision on size
Apr 26, 2019
This is why it says need help lol I have no idea what would work best for her. I do feel she has better contact with the 31 than the 30. So if anything I'll stick with a 31 vs the 30. But this was a help me post. As I stated this is her first year making it my first year dealing with it all. I wasn't a sports person when I was younger so I know nothing lol

I want to make sure I get the right size for her when I get the kryo and didn't want the wrong size to bite her in the rear. Not taking offense to anyone's comments. I need the truth since I'm helping her purchase it. She's putting forth half the cost because it's what she really wants. She makes bracelets and has been saving since she started to get a new bat. I just want to help her with making the right decision on size
I totally get it. And no offense was intended on my part but I do "keep it real.'

It's great she is helping to pay, even if it is just a marginal amount in the end. It will mean so much more to her and serve her going forward. I don't know everything. But, I know some things. I want you to know, I wasn't trying to belittle you but I certainly didn't want you to make an expensive mistake. We'll, it would be expensive for me, and probably a lot of others.


DFP Vendor
Jun 29, 2021
If you want the Kryo at a great price, send me a DM. My store carries all brands of bats, and the Kryo is becoming very popular.
Apr 26, 2019
I have a legitimate question for you. How does an 8 year old know about a brand new bat model?

When my daughter started, about the same age as yours, she wasn't all, "I need XYZ bat, Daddy." She started with a "low level DeMarini" and moved to Xenos then a Mantra before the knob sheared off, weirdly enough.

After that, and she was 12, she started went with an LXT and that is now her bat of choice. She has tried Ghosts and Warstics on demo days and had a Meta and quickly went back to the LXT after it broke.

Who wants the Kyro? You, or an 8 year old first year softball player influenced by Tik Tok and Instagram? Has she hit one before?

Loads of girls my DD age use Ghosts. She has hit them and hates them because they don't "feel right. " DD can hit. But, she's explored her options and doesn't just go with the "in" bat. At 8 maybe it doesn't matter but to some extent it should because ultimately money is being spent and outside influences aren't always what is right.

Take her to demo bats, if she hasn't already. She may surprise herself and decide.a brand and model she's not considered before is the "right" one.

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