Use Leg Muscles! or knee savers?

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Mar 28, 2020
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When is good time to use them? Save knee's?

*Use our legs from the begining so they dont get to the point the knee's cant be saved!

This topic and mobility are why i use and teach an athletic flat footed crouch.
Feet outside of body.
Knees at least as wide as shoulders. (sometimes farther) No saggy tushie.
Muscles already engaged, balanced and strong ready to go!

Ok that makes sense..... I have to admit kneesavers is some really good marketing!!

I took my DDs off and actually she stated it felt better without them. Happy I caught it super early in this catcher life

Thanks all for the feedback. I am more educated :)


Possibilities & Opportunities!
Dec 13, 2019
he’s just resting while he practices his Hall of Fame speech.
Lol so he's not lazy he's resting.
Just adding to fun,
I didnt need to rest to practice my Hall of Fame speech ?
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Possibilities & Opportunities!
Dec 13, 2019
The cushions can also get in the way throwing from knees.
Because they rub into the body moving and can inhibit mechanics by getting snagged.

Have actually asked parents to put on their kids shin guards with one pad on and one off then try to move around, jump, run.
Can feel a big difference.

Especially kids who have under developed muscles,
Running and quick movements with cumbersom pads can tweek there knees just trying to normally walk/run lifting feet up to step forward.
Feet move out to sides instead of under like they should.

I took my DDs off and actually she stated it felt better without them. Happy I caught it super early in this catcher life

Thanks all for the feedback. I am more educated :)
Also experience catchers stating better without them!
Its good to read a parent paying attention, thinking and trying!
Oct 14, 2019
The pads are securely affixed behind the leg and weigh very little.

Why do so many MLB catchers wear them?


Possibilities & Opportunities!
Dec 13, 2019
The pads are securely affixed behind the leg and weigh very little.

Why do so many MLB catchers wear them?
Why do most not wear them?
Just to ask have you worn them?
There fixed and weigh little....
Yet can visually see and feel the akward extra weight of them.
And can see catchers running incorrectly with them on.
And have seen them hinder mechanics.
And catchers have taken them off and like it better without them.

Do think equiptment is an individual preference.

Can share my experience with multiple catchers.
Can share problems or concerns that are part of knee savors discussion.

Caught for 24 year's without them.
Use my legs, my knees are fine.
Still bend, crouch, leap, jump, explode.
Healthy muscles
Proper mechanics
Keeps athlete in the game.
That said,
Can say that how a catcher crouches is also an important part of our initial defensive movements.

Catchers who have resting muscles (squishy)
to then try and move
have greater risk of injury from the explosive pull on soft tissue.
ie: large muscle abruptly pulling tendons and ligaments while having to move body weight.
Recipe for injury.

It is better to stand up when waiting than to stay squishy.
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Oct 14, 2019
Agree. It is an individual decision. I think it is questionable to label those who use them as lazy. It’s not much different than the decision by an infielder to use a face mask or for a batter to use an elbow protector.
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Possibilities & Opportunities!
Dec 13, 2019
Agree. It is an individual decision. I think it is questionable to label those who use them as lazy. It’s not much different than the decision by an infielder to use a face mask or for a batter to use and elbow protector.
I recognize your pointing out the term lazy.

Perhaps that term comes from catchers relying on them and not developing muscles.
Which in turn can
1. Make an impression
'Here just sit on these' aka lazy.

2. Keep muscles weak
aka slow reaction looks lazy.

@JayW can appreciate discussion points people bring up.
The points i brought up are valid factual experiences so i share them for people to THiNK through to make the best decision.
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