Talk about a woman athlete...

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Aug 21, 2011
38°41'44"N 121°9'47.5"W
I watched her win this a few weeks back. She's a very strong, athletic and determined woman. The ironic part of it was that her boyfriend was favored to win the competition. He failed to advance because of the rings.
Jul 26, 2010
Watched this with my 9 year old last week. She told me that "I'll be the second girl who does it".

Aug 26, 2011
Houston, Texas
My muscles are shaking!! Wow. Incredible. And doing those rings? Holy cow!! And then she kept going...

Her composure was absolutely rock solid. She didn't falter...not even when she hung by one ring!
Apr 16, 2013
I can only wonder how many people out there truly know what an amazing accomplishment this is. It's truly off the charts, IMO. This is the most amazing female athlete I've ever seen. My family has been watching Ninja Warrior (as in the real Japanese version) for SEVERAL years now. I honestly never thought a female was this capable. I honestly believe, if I trained my tail off for 2 straight years, I could NOT do what she did. These obstacles are taking out EXTREME athletes, men that train year round just for this competition. Then, at 5 stinkin' feet tall, she does the near impossible. This is a prime example of why I do think it's possible for a female to play MLB. I'm still in awe of her and what she accomplished. :) BTW, the second to last obstacle where they're crossing the poles, she was the ONLY competitor to make the jump. Every male that made it was able to span the gap. Every male that couldn't and tried to jump failed (what very few made it that far). I figured if she did make it that far, that's where she'd fail solely because she was only 5' tall. Still amazed!!!!

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