Recruiting from the transfer portal

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Allergic to BS
Nov 14, 2014
Coaches can't recruit another player if they don't have a spot available. ?‍♀️
And currently they are in a situation where they won't know about several positions until after the senior makes their decision. Seniors do not have to make their decision ahead of time.

??? What would you do?

We're in a circle here. You seem to welded to the notion that coaches don't have control over their rosters, and who they retain, pay, and play. I claim that they do. If a coach allows their decision-making to be controlled by a current player who isn't sure about another year, that's their choice. The coaches I know don't play that way.
May 27, 2013
I think the other side to this is that the positions that are viewed as “not as important” tend to be the ones where recruits are having a very difficult time.

I’ve seen an amazing OF get stuck waiting until after her fall TB season her senior year for the coach at the school she loved to make her an offer. Kid was an amazing player, true OF who loved getting dirty, and a good bat (hit several HR’s). Coach kept stringing her along until she knew who would be coming back the following year.

We might not see it as prevalent at the “coveted” positions (P, C, SS) but see it for positions such as OF, 2B, and 1B where coaches feel they can take a current player and transform them to fill those other positions if seniors decide to stay on.

And just FYI - I am not the one who looks down upon those positions - I feel they are all equally important.
Dec 2, 2013
It has been announced that Soph Katie Dack (A&M)is transferring to Florida State. She will make an immediate impact IMO. Do you think any of the incoming freshman are gonna like that? All the planning, due diligence, roster scouring, etc would not have prepared for this as you try to figure out the possibilities of playing time, especially when Dack plays many positions.


Possibilities & Opportunities!
Dec 13, 2019
We're in a circle here. You seem to welded to the notion that coaches don't have control over their rosters, and who they retain, pay, and play. I claim that they do. If a coach allows their decision-making to be controlled by a current player who isn't sure about another year, that's their choice. The coaches I know don't play that way.
Yet its happening!

The numbers of seniors that are taking their super senior year is notable and speaks for itself.

The fact that college coaches are saying
'I won't know if I have a spot until'
is notable and speaks for itself.

The probability that college coaches would rather keep an older player over a younger player is relevant.

The reality that freshman and sophomore players in college are watching the oncoming year being held by a super senior is relevant.

My point is all possibility creating Trending to the transfer portal being highly operational.


Possibilities & Opportunities!
Dec 13, 2019
We're in a circle here. You seem to welded to the notion that coaches don't have control over their rosters, and who they retain, pay, and play. I claim that they do. If a coach allows their decision-making to be controlled by a current player who isn't sure about another year, that's their choice.

The coaches I know don't play that way.
Are you saying that you know college coaches that don't give a hoot if they're seniors that have played with them want to finish their 5th year after losing a year to covid?

Are you saying you know college coaches who are directly in phone conversation offering a scholarship spot to players when they don't actually have a spot to offer yet?

( of which I know college coaches will try to recruit several players at the same time but that doesn't mean they're actually offering them a spot at that time)

Certainly there is a lot of hodgepodge that goes on with recruiting so I can imagine some underhandedness might happen. But those things would be in addition to the problems that I've commented on previously.
Jun 8, 2016
Are you saying that you know college coaches that don't give a hoot if they're seniors that have played with them want to finish their 5th year after losing a year to covid?
Perhaps they give them a hard deadline which will allow for less impact on the players they are recruiting...? If you just say let me know when you decide then yes, you are putting everything in a holding pattern.


Possibilities & Opportunities!
Dec 13, 2019
@Strike2 thanks for chatting!

Perhaps they give them a hard deadline which will allow for less impact on the players they are recruiting...?
Post #32 new NCAA modifies transfer rules might help somewhat but I can't imagine why players would want to tell their coach they're leaving before the season when they can let them know after the season they're leaving ?‍♀️
Only for earlier eyes on recruitment of them??
If you just say let me know when you decide then yes, you are putting everything in a holding pattern.
Jun 6, 2016
And just FYI - I am not the one who looks down upon those positions - I feel they are all equally important.

It's not about a position being important or not. Some positions are easier to learn to play. Some positions take fewer physical skills/less athleticism.

This doesn't just happen with college recruiting. Look at the positions of HS/college players who get drafted by MLB teams. You see a ton of shortstops who are not going to play short as pros. You see a ton of catchers who are expected to move to a corner. Almost every outfielder who gets drafted near the top was a center fielder, but many of them aren't expected to stay there long term. If you're a college 1B, you'd better hit the crap out of the ball if you wanted to be be drafted high.

The one area where I do disagree with how college softball coaches seem to recruit is thinking you can take any good infielder and make her a great outfielder. That can be done, but if I need outfielders and all else is equal, I'm taking the player with a history of being a great CF over a SS who I think can play CF with some work.
Jun 8, 2016
The one area where I do disagree with how college softball coaches seem to recruit is thinking you can take any good infielder and make her a great outfielder. That can be done, but if I need outfielders and all else is equal, I'm taking the player with a history of being a great CF over a SS who I think can play CF with some work.
With regards to this, MLB has the advantage of having multiple years to develop a SS into a CF. College softball (and even moreso, HS softball) isn't afforded that luxury. That said, 2/3 of OU's OF last year played SS in TB (and Brito even played there at Oregon before she transferred).


Possibilities & Opportunities!
Dec 13, 2019
It's not about a position being important or not. Some positions are easier to learn to play. Some positions take fewer physical skills/less athleticism.
Would say different physical skills and athleticism.

The one area where I do disagree with how college softball coaches seem to recruit is thinking you can take any good infielder and make her a great outfielder. That can be done, but if I need outfielders and all else is equal, I'm taking the player with a history of being a great CF over a SS who I think can play CF with some work.
And to the same point I would agree because positions take different physical skills and athleticism.

Hopefully are planning to take in account those factors where one might be a faster runner than the other that has a stronger arm ?‍♀️

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