pickup player - roster concerns

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Sep 18, 2011
DD is 14 and has never played as a pickup player. We're in a fairly unusual position where we live in one state (where school ball is in the Fall), but her 14U travel team is in a neighboring state (where school ball is in the Spring). So her TB team has shut down until the end of May.

Three local TB teams have asked if DD can play for them as a pickup player this Spring. It would be great for DD to see live pitching this Spring and her TB coach fully supports it, but he's very fuzzy on the rules. Two of the teams are 16U and the other is 14U. DD's team plays exclusively (or almost exclusively) ASA ball in the summer, with the ultimate goal of playing in Normal, IL at 14U nationals, so if the local teams play in USSSA tournaments, can I assume that there will be no problems with DD playing as a pickup player?? Even at 16U?

The coach of the local 14U team sent me this email:

As a side note, find out from your coach what he knows about [my DD] being picked up for ASA and PGF NQ tournaments. I might need her on a couple. I have been trying to research, but am having trouble finding info.

This one makes me nervous and i think I should decline. DD can't play as a pickup player in an ASA qualifier, can she?? Wouldn't she be 'locked in " to that roster for the rest of the year? Thanks for any help. I really tried to search before i posted, but I ended up being very confused.


Feb 20, 2012
Pickup players happen all the time in GA. Just DO NOT play any ASA qualifiers where you are required to register and sign in with your ASA card. Once you register with a team at an ASA qualifier you are "redlined" to that team. Two years ago they modified the rules which will allow a coach to "release" a player, which allows her to register with another team, but ASA will NOT allow a player to change age groups. If you register for 16U, you cannot switch to a 14U team, even though your DD is eligible to play 14U.
Apr 11, 2012
Kansas City is exactly the same issues with HS and TB players....the Missouri side of the state line has 75% of the metro's population and plays HS ball in the fall....the Kansas side has 25% of the population and plays in the spring....most TB teams only want players from one of the states....as rosters with players from both Missouri and Kansas are only together for June and July, that only 8 weeks a year for a TB team....our Missouri club team never will never sign a Kansas player for that reason.....because it just doesn't work....

I would recommend staying out of any type of qualifier "tournament" as a guest player....and like "JAD" stated, especially ASA ones....
Feb 4, 2013
Also out here ASA does not allow you drop down from A to B as a pick up player and as a 14 A team playing up in a 16u tournament we could not pick up a 16A player.

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