NCAA Obstruction rule change

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Mar 29, 2023
Hadn't seen it posted, but Oklahoma game ended in a loss due to the obstruction change:

May 29, 2015
The strategy is being discussed in another thread, but not the play itself.

I'll say it: even using the rule before the rule change, I don't see obstruction there. The runner is on her path and is not hindered or impeded by a fielder without the ball. Since that throw was on the money (maybe not intentionally), the catcher has the ball before the runner is there. She didn't change or alter her path before, and the catcher did not impede or hinder without the ball.

Now, if the catcher does not make the catch and tag, I might have a different opinion depending on what happened after that.


Allergic to BS
Nov 14, 2014
So glad I am not officiating as much college this year as in the past. I can't get a clear explanation from anyone high up that doesn't contradict someone else who is also high up. I expected to see video examples by this point where the ruling would be different from previous years and I haven't yet.
The rule change didn't help much, if at all. Regarding the OU / Texas play, I've seen recent D1 obstruction calls at Home for less than that. I've also seen what appeared to be obvious obstruction in real time (fielder squarely in runner's path without the ball...runner clearly affected) not called until replay, or not called at all. I'm convinced that I don't understand, on a practical basis, what obstruction is...nor does the NCAA or its umpires. There's likely to be a huge consistency problem during the playoffs and championship tournament.
Mar 29, 2023
If the Oklahoma runner had not tried to lean back away from contact and instead pulverized the catcher that didn't have the ball (without going as far as malicious intent) thus causing her to not catch it, what would the call have been?
Jan 1, 2024
No obstruction. Stop the video at the point where the ball is not quite in the glove. The runner has a clear line along her BASE PATH straight by the catcher to the plate. The new rule wording eliminates the silly obstruction calls that were being made where runners were nowhere near the defender's location. Softball folks are beginning to understand that a base PATH is not the same as a base LINE. LOL... Baseball (especially MLB) folks are still in the dark ages, conflating base path with base line!
May 29, 2015
It doesn't help that some (most, if not all) rule books still use both terms interchangeably (despite saying otherwise). It's one of those editorial changes that needs to be made.

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