Mom finds sex offender at practice.

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May 7, 2008
Sex offender stops volunteering with team after parent's research | | Tucson, Arizona

Well, actually she was checking her 12YOs phone. Read what he said to her. He got away with no background check, because he was "just helping" the coach.

The article says that he didn't break any law or his probation. Something about being a level 1 offender and he doesn't have to register. But, the mom found his mug shot.

We are asked often, on this board, at what age we leave the girls alone at practice. I am thinking maybe by 25.
Aug 29, 2011
Yeah it is scary. Our commissioner this year was telling us a story about one of the dads who "helped out" with in 5-6 yo team one year. A guy comes up to him during one game points to the "helper" and says, "I just thought you should know I'm a police officer and I arrested that guy for statutory rape."

Be very careful about who you let "help out" at practices.
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
I actually check all parents and anyone else that is a regular. Fortunately we practice at a private facility so if someone is hanging out there is no "I am on public property" discussion. Florida is really bad for this kind of stuff so most parents have no reservation chasing off undesirables. I went to the TD of a major HS tournament and got a guy chased who was banned by the ASA for a sexting scandal. Kudos to the diligent mom.

On a tangent I am absolutely amazed the amount of personal information people place on team websites. Parents name and quick look at the tax roll and you have an address. School name and you get a good idea of her traffic patterns before and after school. Her name + school name + google search and you have her Facebook page and know who she is friends with and all kinds of information. And I haven't even gotten to the good stuff that I won't post in a public forum. There is absolutely no reason to post school names, birth dates, parents info, etc. If a college coach needs this information they can get it through the HC.
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Mar 31, 2014
We played in a tournament last year and there was this really obnoxious coach, ran his mouth the whole game at both our coach and girls. a few weeks later there was a spot on the new about a travel ball coach that had been texting his players and trying to "meet" them without their parents knowledge. One of the parents got suspicious and the police set up a sting, dude is now in jail.. btw.. this was 12U. We also had an umpire making inappropriate comments about our catchers the first year in 12u.
Oct 19, 2009
beyond the fences
When I helped run a rec league years ago, we required background checks
of every adult who was going to be inside the fences with the kids. I was amazed at
how many 'volunteers' disappeared when they found out about the background check.
One year a friend of the league president was allowed to help with a team, about a month
into the season he was arrested for pushing around an 8U player and squeezing another's
arm enough to leave bruising. The arresting officer asked if we had done a check and
answer was 'no' as the prez vouched for him. That was the league presidents last
May 7, 2008
I liked the comment that a parent made, about the article. He said that they should have continued the conversation and scheduled a meeting with the guy. I am surprised that the police didn't do that.
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
I liked the comment that a parent made, about the article. He said that they should have continued the conversation and scheduled a meeting with the guy. I am surprised that the police didn't do that.

If it were only possible. That type of prosecution can be a real challenge. Unless you can prove how the conversation started, who said what and when it falls apart. The LEOs that troll the chatrooms have lots of training and have it down to an art. The record of the conversation is evidence and subject to intense scrutiny and legal challenges. That said if it was my DD the conversation would have continued, and a meeting would have definitely been scheduled.
Jan 18, 2010
In your face
As a father, my DD was 12 and dude was wanting to take her away for fishing, I'd use her phone to set up the meeting. I might go to jail, but that guy is going to the hospital.

I'm sorry, but that's just how I feel about grown men trying to "take advantage" of a young innocent girl. I'd beat him within a inch of his life!!
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Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
As a father, my DD was 12 and dude was wanting to take her away for fishing, I'd use her phone to set up the meeting. I might go to jail, but that guy is going to the hospital.

I'm sorry, but that's just how I feel about grown men trying to "take advantage" of a young innocent girl. I'd beat him within a inch of his life!!

I saw the whole thing. He slipped and fell. More than once. You were just trying to help him up. :)

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