Is DD Hanging Up The Cleats?

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Nov 23, 2010
North Carolina

If you mean "don't talk at her", I agree. If you mean, don't talk to her about it, then I disagree.

You have to communicate with your kids. Not talking to her is probably the worst thing you can do.

Thanks sluggers for clarifying what I was trying to say. When we talk "at" most kids, they don't hear what we are saying and we don't hear what they are saying.
Oct 19, 2009
beyond the fences
Not sure where this will lead. I'm trying to figure this all out and wish DD would be up front with me about what is bugging her and what she really wants to do. She's 13 btw.

This is the magical age where kids are narrowing focus and interests. Hang in there,
don't pressure her and see where her path might lead. She might want to quit, she
might need a break for a few days/weeks/months. If she wants to play again, let it
be her choice. Unconditional support is the only answer


Eat sleep& breathe sofbal
Feb 25, 2013
We are just now going through this. Our DD turned 14 a couple weeks ago, and she is going on a TB strike due to the EXACT things and reasons you mentioned above (not parent pressure)!! She used to love the game and have so much fun playing. I pray she'll get back at it within a couple of months. I worry about recruiting timeline.if she waits to long, though I try not to mention this to her. She's an eighth grader now. She agrees (on her own) she will continue practicing her pitching daily as well as her batting and other skills, so now all we can do is pray!! If she decides to Continue playing it has to be HER choice not ours!!!

If you want your DD to get a scholarship then she would be more likely to get one from scholastics than sports. The majority of girls will not receive a scholarship from this sport. The amount of money some people spend to get their DD to and from games, pitching lessons, batting lessons, and other softball related activities would go a long way towards a college fund.

I see what you're saying, but she's much more interested in sports than academics. She has good grades but not great, and the only book she "reads" is a picture book, lol, even though I constantly push her to read. She has the softball talent in every area, hitting, pitching, and fielding, to get her a good scholarship. We aren't expecting 100% but we do know that depending on where she goes it can be possible. We don't believe she'll get D1 as she's probably not tall enough, buy we tell her to work hard for what she wants, and it will benefit her no matter what options she has and choices she makes.
Aug 31, 2011
My DD pulled this same stunt. We almost always let her make the decisions where softball is concerned and one day she said she didn't want to play anymore, so we stopped. The very first weekend that all her friends were going to tournaments and she was home, she regretted it. As soon as we could we got her back in it and she has been going strong ever since with a renewed love of the game. Sometimes a break is exactly what they need, you know the whole "don't know what you've got till it's gone" or "absence makes the heart grow fonder" deal.
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
I see what you're saying, but she's much more interested in sports than academics. She has good grades but not great, and the only book she "reads" is a picture book, lol, even though I constantly push her to read. She has the softball talent in every area, hitting, pitching, and fielding, to get her a good scholarship. We aren't expecting 100% but we do know that depending on where she goes it can be possible. We don't believe she'll get D1 as she's probably not tall enough, buy we tell her to work hard for what she wants, and it will benefit her no matter what options she has and choices she makes.

I'm sure you probably know that the better her grades, the better her chances of getting an athletic scholarship. College softball teams want good students, especially those that can qualify for some academic money. ... And if she's in the eighth grade and you are confident she can play college ball, I assume she's a prominent player on an elite team, one that can qualify for ASA nationals, or something along those lines. Otherwise, it's hard to project an eighth grader into college, IMO.


Eat sleep& breathe sofbal
Feb 25, 2013
I see what you're saying, but she's much more interested in sports than academics. She has good grades but not great, and the only book she "reads" is a picture book, lol, even though I constantly push her to read. She has the softball talent in every area, hitting, pitching, and fielding, to get her a good scholarship. We aren't expecting 100% but we do know that depending on where she goes it can be possible. We don't believe she'll get D1 as she's probably not tall enough, buy we tell her to work hard for what she wants, and it will benefit her no matter what options she has and choices she makes.

I'm sure you probably know that the better her grades, the better her chances of getting an athletic scholarship. College softball teams want good students, especially those that can qualify for some academic money. ... And if she's in the eighth grade and you are confident she can play college ball, I assume she's a prominent player on an elite team, one that can qualify for ASA nationals, or something along those lines. Otherwise, it's hard to project an eighth grader into college, IMO.

Lol, yes, I know her grades need to be good. We push homework daily, to me great is high A's across the board, she keeps low A's with an occasional high B from time to time. (we always push for better)

She's not on an elite team just yet. Scout said that would be our goal by freshman year, so hopefully that will be our next move once she's out of this funk. I gauge her college prospects against our girls around here who go on to play college ball. I do realize I am mom and I probably have an inflated view of her, but we have talked to a few professionals/scouts who have put their two cents in as well. At this point we hope its God's Will that she clears her head and goes on to play college ball. Nothing is guaranteed, and He may have other plans for her so we go with the daily grind, give 110% every day and make sure we earn whatever comes next. As long as she works for it we'll be happy, softball or not..........after many, many, many tears :)

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