How do you handle different coaching technique from multiple coaches all trying to

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Sep 16, 2013
change things on your child?

It is frustrating. We spend money for lessons and then as soon as we go to practice it is back to changing her form. You have to understand my daughter. She is very literal and the more things you give her to focus on the worse she hits. The big hang up is they want her to step. Not tap or start loaded but step. One even goes as far as telling her she needs to step and shift her weight forward on her swing. This is totally different than everything we have learned through baseball and softball.

Her previous coach on another team worked on her hitting, it is the same as my son's and as her hitting coach taught. She hits solid but right before every time she bats they remind her to step. Every time she takes that step her back shoulder drops and she hits pop ups.

So what is the correct form? My son taps and loads. She likes to load right before the delivery. She also stays back using her hips instead of going forward.

I am so confused and hate to straight out tell her to not listen to the coach but what is a parent to do?
Jun 24, 2013
I would talk to the coach, if you haven’t already.

Most posters here more or less leave players alone that are taking private lessons. It affects playing time or making the Team if the player does not perform/ conform.

IMO your DD is going to be a mess if she is being taught 2 different things.
May 17, 2012
This usually works itself out. If she is hitting then the coaches will say little. If she is not hitting then they may give her instruction to help her swing.

The question you need to ask is if the hitting instruction she is getting from her hitting coach legit?

Parents never want to hear they are paying for bad instruction...


It wasn't me.
Jun 5, 2010
Not here.
This usually works itself out. If she is hitting then the coaches will say little. If she is not hitting then they may give her instruction to help her swing.

The question you need to ask is if the hitting instruction she is getting from her hitting coach legit?
Parents never want to hear they are paying for bad instruction...

I agree with the bold above. I would spend a little time reading through the hitting threads first. You then should/may see whom your DD should listen too or not. Should make it clear as mud. LOL
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
I am so confused and hate to straight out tell her to not listen to the coach but what is a parent to do?

Talk to the team coach and explain the dilemma your daughter is having.

As far as her form, weight does go forward, but you don't have to step (move the foot forward) to accomplish that. So good hitters do, some don't.
Jan 25, 2011
Okay, you need to read on here a little bit about hitting. You have said some key phrases that scream to me that her current hitting coach, might not be teaching right, like you keep talking about her weight back, that is wrong in baseball and softball. Also you said her back shoulder is dropping, well take a look at the model hitting thread. Your shoulders do drop, or for a better word "tilt" when hitting, try to hit with out your shoulder dropping or "tilting." I have to ask, do you or the current hitting coach say these phrases, swing level and squish the bug also? Then sit down and read and have your whole world on hitting blown away. As far as striding or stepping thats a personal prefrence.
Jul 16, 2008
Agree with Nano.... learn about hitting first yourself then make the decision on what you think is right for your DD. I would also add to try to hit the way your paid instructor is teaching (and I mean literally) if he/she is teaching keep the weight back... try to hit a ball off a tee while keeping your weight back and hit it hard.


Wannabe Duck Boat Owner
Feb 21, 2009
New England

GG - this seems like the perfect and sorta on-topic opportunity to comment on your amusing e-sig team-sewer analogy. IMO, it is important to note that what you get out of a team, and a sewer, not only depends on what you, but also others, put into it. Just ask your local POTW if you doubt me!

Relevance to OP - if you are unhappy with the output, make a change to the input.
Mar 23, 2010
GG - this seems like the perfect and sorta on-topic opportunity to comment on your amusing e-sig team-sewer analogy. IMO, it is important to note that what you get out of a team, and a sewer, not only depends on what you, but also others, put into it. Just ask your local POTW if you doubt me!

Noted, agreed, and edited to substitute an indefinite pronoun.

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