How do you find quality A & B teams when you have no contacts in that world yet?

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There must be an easier way to find teams and leagues etc in ones local area. I finally found an online newspaper classified that has helped me identify that there are more teams in the area then I thought. But in the age of information, sure is frustrating not having more to go on then vague tryout call ads.Feels much like black friday when you wander into the stores looking for one those great deals on a tv, but don't recognize any of the brands they are selling at such supposed great prices.Googled, binged, facebook searched and twitted and feeling like a twit lol.Have even tried looking up asa tournament brackets to identify teams and so far only found the the original couple I easily found in my initial google. sigh
Jul 16, 2013
Not sure what leagues are prominent in Oregon, but USSSA is pretty popular in my area. Their website offers the ability to find teams in various areas. You have to be careful with the ratings, however. There are some true "b" teams that classify themselves as "a" because they are interested in playing against the best competition. There are also some true "a" teams that classify themselves as "b" so that they can pile up trophies. If you research the team you can also review their record and who they play against. That information can give you a good idea of their true ability.


Feb 20, 2012
Be careful when looking for teams in a newspaper ad! It is amazing how many "A-level" teams there are during tryouts, but they quickly become "B-level" teams when the season starts!
Dec 7, 2011
Search for the ASA-state tournaments (or the other organizations too) and find the list of teams playing. Then you can creep around on other tourney sites for their tourney performance, call the club, etc.

Then there is the word-of-mouth. I assume you can find that one "amazing" player in your area and walk up to the parents and start a conversation. As it is here in DFP, we club families love to tell our stories :cool:
Search for the ASA-state tournaments (or the other organizations too) and find the list of teams playing. Then you can creep around on other tourney sites for their tourney performance, call the club, etc.

Then there is the word-of-mouth. I assume you can find that one "amazing" player in your area and walk up to the parents and start a conversation. As it is here in DFP, we club families love to tell our stories :cool:

Checking out the state tourney bracket did confirm that two of the easier to find teams(that had actual web sites) accounted themselves well in their finishes. Bad side didn't see any of the other teams. But then my unfamiliarity with ASA may have had some to do with that as well.Still on look out for said doting parent with prize softball DD to ask as you mention.
Be careful when looking for teams in a newspaper ad! It is amazing how many "A-level" teams there are during tryouts, but they quickly become "B-level" teams when the season starts!

Yeah, its probably hard to recruit and keep the energy going in the right direction all the while trying to budget in all what you want to do. Just seems odd that trying to establish a legitimate presence does not seem to be a priority with many. If nothing else would think it would help with recruiting and attracting sponsors.
Dec 7, 2011
Be careful when looking for teams in a newspaper ad! It is amazing how many "A-level" teams there are during tryouts, but they quickly become "B-level" teams when the season starts!

No doubt! - great add.

We got totally burnt one season where a HC of a local TB club said in August/September - "Hey I am going to get the best 16U's in the area and we are going to stun the world!"

He also stated "we don't practice in fall as these girls I have lined up are all rock stars and they can just show up and kick-it"....

I got a call from HC right around the new year asking me if I knew anyone who would want to join (started to generate diamonds in my backside at this time).

By the time the team came together after spring HS it was a bad-news-bears 18U team that never became un-bad (lacking skills and competiveness and .....). Geesh that year SUCKED...... and my little innocent 14 yr old got a crash coarse in 18U vocabularies...... YIKES!....
Jul 16, 2008
There must be an easier way to find teams and leagues etc in ones local area. I finally found an online newspaper classified that has helped me identify that there are more teams in the area then I thought. But in the age of information, sure is frustrating not having more to go on then vague tryout call ads.Feels much like black friday when you wander into the stores looking for one those great deals on a tv, but don't recognize any of the brands they are selling at such supposed great prices.Googled, binged, facebook searched and twitted and feeling like a twit lol.Have even tried looking up asa tournament brackets to identify teams and so far only found the the original couple I easily found in my initial google. sigh

What age group are you looking for? Oregon Live Forums - High School Sports - Statewide Softball is the place to find out when tryouts are being held.

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