Hello from Long Island!

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Apr 14, 2013
Long Island
Hi, all. I've browsed the site many times before and I figured it's time to join now that I'm managing (heaven help the team!).

I've been involved in Little League helping with coaching and volunteering for over 10 years but this past Fall was the first time I've ever managed. I guess I did okay because they asked me to manage in the Spring, which I'm doing now. I have a lot to learn--managing is so much more demanding than assistant coaching--and I'm amazed at the simple things I've overlooked in the past. For example: I'm struggling with getting out of "spectator mode" and into "managing mode." I have a tendency to want to watch the action instead of watching for the opportunities. It's okay, though, I'm working on it and my girls and parents love me.

I manage an 11/12 y/o girls majors team on Long Island and I can't get enough of it! I find myself constantly looking up drills and techniques on the web and I try to keep it fun and positive for the girls. This coaching thing is so addictive it's like it is what I was meant to do. Kinda hard to explain. Today I got the greatest compliment I ever got about my coaching and it made me feel like a million bucks. Anyway, I've learned a lot here and hope I can contribute to the site in the future.

So, just wanted to say "Hi" and I look forward to the discussion.

Apr 13, 2013
There is a huge difference between being a HC and an AC, I am happy you are enjoying it and are up to the challenge.

One thought is rely on your ACs, give them as much responsibility as you are comfortable with.

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