Game/Team Changer question - Batter interference

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Aug 10, 2016
I've been scoring games with GC/TM for 5 years now and still have not managed to figure how to score this properly - I'm sure I'm missing something.
Runner on 1st - batter hits the ball towards second baseman - runner goes and accidently gets hit by the ball. She's out. When it's the last out of the inning it's easy because I just put Batter Interference - which technically isn't exactly what happened as it wasn't the batter but the runner but it gets me out of the inning.
But if there are less than 2 outs - and the batter is supposed to get 1st while the runner is out - how do you score that?
Sep 7, 2020
GC/TM does not allow you to correctly score it. To mark a runner out on interference you have to advance then as if they are stealing, and mark them out on interference- it’s an option when you’re advancing the runner like a steal, but it is NOT an option once the ball is put into play by the batter and that’s where it gets confusing. I actually reached out to GC to ask this question. Here’s the thread, which also includes a lot of advice and opinion lol!

Ultimately, if there aren’t two outs then it’s a hit for the batter and you’d have to mark the runner out before you put the ball into play by the batter. Depending on the scenario you may not be able to truly score it correctly and would have to improvise. Which isn’t the end of the world unless you’re a total stickler about stats.
Aug 10, 2016
Thanks - I'm glad I'm not the only one confused by it ;)
We also had a play this weekend with two girls on one base and so one was out. I don't even remember how I scored it.

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