Expectations of an injured player

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Sep 18, 2011
Last year my DD was out for over 3 months with a stress fracture in her back. 13U team, highly competitive. She didn't miss a thing, including an out of town tournament 6 hours away. At the tournament, it was her job to run the video camera and to try to pick up tendencies from the opposing pitcher. She attended practices. She even met with the coach for her individual workouts. She couldn't swing a bat or throw a ball, but she could do vision training on a computer. And she watched hours of tape of college pitchers (coach is also a D2 assistant colleege coach) where she got quite adept at picking pitches based on how the pitcher was holding the ball, where her hands were, etc. So... short answer is YES, I would expect/demand that an injured player attend practices and games (obviously depending on the severity of the injury).
Jan 24, 2011
I don't expect kids that play softball to show up to practice or games when they are injured.

The softball players show up anyway.


This is true. I think you really find out what kind of player you really have if they show up. Is it more about them or do they care more about their team and the game?
Apr 1, 2010
Most important - avoid anything that may result in another injury.

A player on Mojo's team broke her glove arm back in Feb. A week before that cast came off, she broke the other arm. She had just gotten that arm into the soft cast when she broke her ankle. So, they're looking at hopefully getting her back around mid-May.

She's been to practices, games, and other team activities, but with a bad wheel, she's really sidelined now. :(

Maybe I'm a nervous Nellie, but after three consecutive broken bones, I'd be taking her to a doctor to make sure there isn't some underlying problem.
Nov 26, 2010
Most important - avoid anything that may result in another injury.

A player on Mojo's team broke her glove arm back in Feb. A week before that cast came off, she broke the other arm. She had just gotten that arm into the soft cast when she broke her ankle. So, they're looking at hopefully getting her back around mid-May.

She's been to practices, games, and other team activities, but with a bad wheel, she's really sidelined now. :(
they need to start feeding that girl milk
Nov 23, 2010
North Carolina
A young lady on my DGD's team last year sprained her ankle really bad at an away tournament. I mean that thing swelled twice its normal size in nothing flat. Her mother rushed her to the ER. Not long after, her mother brought her back to the field on crutches. I asked how she got back so fast. She told me her daughter was rushing everybody, receptionist, nurse, doctor, everybody. She told them she had to get back to the tournament. The doctor told her she would not be able to play, but she told him in no uncertain terms she had to be there for her team. A softball player!
Mar 23, 2010
IMLE: My own DD felt better doing what little she was able, but for some girls it's torture to watch and not participate, and they mope.

I'd prefer that the team let her know she's welcome to participate any rational way she can, rather than that they have expectations.
Feb 15, 2013
I would expect my DD to be there running the chants. Unless it was her mouth that got injured (WHAT A TREAT LOL). Joking aside, i would expect an injured player to travel with the team as there is plenty of room in most hotel rooms for that DD to stay. I know for some $$$ is an issue but that is something most parents in my organization don't dwell on. Any girl that gets injured and still wants to travel can bunk with my DD to ensure they are there for the experience.

I would also hate to see a girl stay home and miss out on receiving a trophy because she wasn't in the book.

I would like to see people try and keep most of the DD's people speak of on this forum from attending, i know i can't take mine out of the game even with a migrane that's causing her agony hits. These girls live for this.


Way past gone
Aug 28, 2011
The Crazy Train
This is really a question about if the player is here for the team or for themselves. Injuries happen more often than we like. But the sport requires a team effort. And sometimes being there is what matters to the team.
Oct 22, 2009
This winter, I had 2 players with injuries. One with a wrist injury to her glove hand. She made every indoor practice, did all of the running and agility drills, worked on her throwing mechanics by throwing a ball against the cinder block wall, and did the one-handed batting drills. The other player is a swimmer, developed shoulder "tightness" from swimming too much, never made a practice during her injury, and was recently cleared to start practice. She missed my practice to go to a Phillies game, and the day before had pitched for her dad's rec team. My first player is not as talented as the second player, but I know who will initially get more playing time in the pool games the first few tournaments.

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