Expectations of an injured player

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Jan 28, 2013
It depends on the nature of the injury for us.
If it prevents her from playing but she is mobile, then she can come help run drills in practice or participate to a limited extent.

If she is not functional at all, then there is no expectation of coming and risking slowing down a return.

We would never expect an injured player to travel to a tournament but would like them to make some kind of appearance at a local one if they were mobile enough.

We have had a player with a broken leg sit through practices for weeks.


May 7, 2008
A, A
One of my pitchers was out with knee surgery last fall. She came to almost all the league games and kept the book. The best part was she was new to the team and didn't know the girls so she was able to get to know them. If an injured player can get to the games (not away tourneys), then I will always have something for them to do (pitch chart, scorebook, etc).
Oct 11, 2010
Chicago, IL
I think it depends on the age and level of player

When DD was 9 she missed the 1st half of her season and did not go to practices or many games. If it happened in MS I think she would go to all the practices and games.
Feb 24, 2012
Let's say you've got a player with an injury that might keep her out a month. ...

Do you expect her to come to any practices just to support the team? Tournaments?

Yes! Expect her to be at all team functions just as she would be if playing. She is still part of the team and assume she wants to come back and play. It is part of of being a good teamate and they are never too young for that. We have had 2 out for 1 and 5mos so far and both have been to every team function and are as much a part of team as if they were playing.
Feb 3, 2011
Most important - avoid anything that may result in another injury.

A player on Mojo's team broke her glove arm back in Feb. A week before that cast came off, she broke the other arm. She had just gotten that arm into the soft cast when she broke her ankle. So, they're looking at hopefully getting her back around mid-May.

She's been to practices, games, and other team activities, but with a bad wheel, she's really sidelined now. :(
Dec 7, 2011
Most important - avoid anything that may result in another injury.

A player on Mojo's team broke her glove arm back in Feb. A week before that cast came off, she broke the other arm. She had just gotten that arm into the soft cast when she broke her ankle. So, they're looking at hopefully getting her back around mid-May.

She's been to practices, games, and other team activities, but with a bad wheel, she's really sidelined now. :(

OMG - poor girl is cursed!

But ya - injured players that are mobile should be there. Especially in exposure-TB and especially later in age.

I would think college coaches would frown on a player "ditching" the team after an injury.
Jan 24, 2011
We expect injured players to be at practices and tournaments. Still a lot to be learned even if they can't physically participate
Jul 26, 2010
I don't expect kids that play softball to show up to practice or games when they are injured.

The softball players show up anyway.


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