DD hit in the face.

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Jan 18, 2010
In your face
Well we've been lucky for years but tonight it caught up to us. Extra innings, international rules, line drive to the chin. Knocked her down but couldn't crawl to the ball. Didn't cry until coach said she had to come out, which I totally agreed with. ( thank you coach ) Just got in from the ER, CAT scan good. She's sore but alive. Scared the sheet out of me. Sounded like a cannon when it hit her.

Tomorrow we will talk about a mask, mandatory this time from the old man. We were lucky it wasn't much worse. I think it also rattled the team, we fell apart after and lost. Long day and I'm tired.

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May 7, 2008
No way. I am so glad that she is safe.
Having been hit (had a mask on) let me tell you that I felt shell shock for 3 days afterwards. The best way that I can describe it was that it felt like you feel after a car wreck. She may not be physically hurt but emotionally it takes a toll.
I hope that the hospital gave you discharge instructions about coming back if she has other symptoms.
When one of my students got hit (mask on) she was on the ground and I thought that I was going to drop to my knees right there and then. I wish your DD only the best. Did you happen to know what bat the batter was using?
Jan 18, 2010
In your face
Don't know the bat, but we know the young lady. D1 signed, already hit 2 doubles off DD in the game, tied the game. Been traveling against us for years. Their coaches not only apologized to DD, but called time to find me outside the gate when our coach pulled her out to offer advice medically. AC was a medic. Lucky for DD a mom on our team is a wings of life paramedic and knew a doctor at the ER, called in a favor, and got us straight in when we walked through the door.
Dec 2, 2012
.....Scared the sheet out of me. Sounded like a cannon when it hit her.

First, very sorry this happened to you and your daughter, and it's great to learn she is OK. There is nothing quite like seeing your daughter take a shot like that and seeing them hit the ground...

.Tomorrow we will talk about a mask, mandatory this time from the old man.

Good for you! I hope her pride doesn't get in the way of the discussion. Good luck.
Dec 5, 2012
Mid West
GD... sorry for you guys. Thank God it wasn't to the nose! These people on here that talk their trash about not wearing a mask, have never stood in your shoes.
So far, my dd has been lucky. Only a few close calls that scared me enough to make her wear one.
When I was in HS, one of our pitchers took a line drive to his mouth, knocked out three front teeth and broke his nose. The sound it makes on impact will sicken even the hardest combat veteran.
Oct 2, 2012
on the Field
Wow....so thankful she is going to be ok. I know those masks are a pain if the girls aren't used to wearing them, but as a parent its hard not to make them mandatory after seeing it. Good luck to you both. I coach a 10u rec team and strongly urge all my players to wear a fielders mask. I feel that if they get used to wearing them now it will be better when they are older. I had one little girl that said she didn't like it and her father said quote "I'm your father and I say you don't have to wear one". I hope he doesn't learn the hard way. We are definitely dealing with a different game when 10U girls are using CF5's and taking the ball to the fence.


Feb 20, 2012
Wow....so thankful she is going to be ok. I know those masks are a pain if the girls aren't used to wearing them, but as a parent its hard not to make them mandatory after seeing it. Good luck to you both. I coach a 10u rec team and strongly urge all my players to wear a fielders mask. I feel that if they get used to wearing them now it will be better when they are older. I had one little girl that said she didn't like it and her father said quote "I'm your father and I say you don't have to wear one". I hope he doesn't learn the hard way. We are definitely dealing with a different game when 10U girls are using CF5's and taking the ball to the fence.

Last season we mandated all of our infielders wear a mask. If a father told us that his DD did not have to wear a mask I would say "fine", and his DD would play outfield or find another team....

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