Day of the messiah was born on July 9th

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Pro-Staff Everything
Oct 5, 2009
At the Jewel in San Diego
Ok so have a request. Being that it was bday the other day I was hoping for a wish.

Is it possible to add on a section to this forum that is considered " off topic" discussions for some type of " joke of the day" or section to where we can take our caps off, let our hair down and have some good times with it?

Oh and thanks everyone for the warm bday wishes too!

Ken Krause

May 7, 2008
Mundelein, IL
Nope, sorry. That would open up a whole can of worms, and a lot of extra work for us Moderators as one person's idea of what's funny completely offends the sensibilities of another poster.

Here's a bit o' history for you. A few participants here know that this forum is patterned after the old Fastpitch Forum, which was run by a guy from California named Dr. Alan Ross. He checks in here occasionally, so Alan if you Googled your name and came here hello.

When Alan's daughters stopped playing he lost interest, and sold the server and right to the forum to a couple of members. One of them had some pretty harsh political views that he wasn't shy about sharing. He decided to add some "off topic" forums that would allow for political discussion without interfering with the softball talk. That idea deteriorated quickly and what had once been a wonderful resource for learning became a center for hate and anger. The new owners even tried creating a whole separate offshoot forum but the damage was already done. All the softball folks left and it eventually was shut down.

A few years later Marc Dagenais had the idea to create a new forum that would again be focused strictly on softball, and that would require civil discussions. That's when DFP was born. And while things get out of hand once in a while (and the Moderators have to come down hard), I think overall DFP has lived up to Marc's vision. We have so many people who thank us for the level of information that's provided and for the ability to ask a question without worrying about getting ripped to shreds by the regular posters.

So that's what we're sticking with - softball. Even then, here's the question to ask yourself: if discussions can get as heated and personal over how to hit a stupid softball in a game played by kids, what do you think would happen if we opened it up to humor, which is far more subjective? I think the answer is pretty obvious.

Thanks for the suggestion, but as George HW Bush would say, not gonna happen. :)

By the way, if you'd like to start your own forum for jokes the software we use here is vBulletin. I would join.

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