Carrer decision, at what age?

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Jun 18, 2010
It is posted here often, education first, softball second, choose a university that has a good program in your chosen career field. I don't disagree.

DD will be starting her sophomore year of HS this fall, and we are in the process of identifying schools she may be interested in for both education and softball. The problem is DD has no idea what area of study interests her.

I think back to my college days, and I switched my major twice. I ended up with two Bachelor Degrees, one in an area I have never "used". I have life long friends who I attended college with who work in fields totally unrelated to their college degrees.

What age does/did your DD/DS know what they wanted to do?
What age did you know what what you wanted to do? Heck, if I had a redo, I would do something different ;)
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
It is posted here often, education first, softball second, choose a university that has a good program in your chosen career field. I don't disagree.

DD will be starting her sophomore year of HS this fall, and we are in the process of identifying schools she may be interested in for both education and softball. The problem is DD has no idea what area of study interests her.

I think back to my college days, and I switched my major twice. I ended up with two Bachelor Degrees, one in an area I have never "used". I have life long friends who I attended college with who work in fields totally unrelated to their college degrees.

What age does/did your DD/DS know what they wanted to do?
What age did you know what what you wanted to do? Heck, if I had a redo, I would do something different ;)

I have noticed that players have two distinct mindsets:

Some go to college to get an education and play softball.

Some go to college to play softball and get an education.

Neither one is right or wrong but the mindset of your DD will make a big difference in which school and softball program she chooses.
Hard to advise, so I will just describe our experiences.
DD1 decided to major in Business as a HS Jr, then narrowed her focus after her freshman year of college (double major in Business Mgmt. and Spanish) and after leaving the game and transferring back to her home state.
DD2 decided (as a HS sophomore) she wants to be a Math major (and probably teach and coach) but wants to play ball. Best fit for her is a D3 school that is close but out of state.
DD3 is a HS sophomore now but has no idea.

As for me I majored in Business, then went back to school in my forties to get my teaching credentials.

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