article - travel baseball. I had no idea.

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Oct 4, 2011
Interesting article, thanks for sharing, Amy! I'm going to share it with my fellow sports parents around here; we have nothing on these families!

There are usually one or two girls from Colorado each year who play for teams in California or Arizona - but that's it, just one or two, and they are all extremely dedicated and do end up fulfilling their dream of playing softball at the highest level that they can.

Tennis has full time school/tennis academies - I would have no problem with something like that for baseball or softball (if there isn't already) but I do find the whole parent "owners" thing a little bit creapy. I wonder how many of these coaches are true developmental coaches vs. how many pick the talent of the day - the kid who is 6 ft tall at age 12 - and use him for as long as he serves a purpose and then cut him. I don't feel quite right about that. I wonder if the NCAA would ever get involved. "Negotiating" $500 of "spending money" is certainly a no-no if any of it is used by the kid; but I can see how ths could be a gray area.

There was an interesting "nature vs. nurture" thread on here a while back... interesting stuff.
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Jul 16, 2008
Interesting article, thanks for sharing, Amy! I'm going to share it with my fellow sports parents around here; we have nothing on these families!

There are usually one or two girls from Colorado each year who play for teams in California or Arizona - but that's it, just one or two, and they are all extremely dedicated and do end up fulfilling their dream of playing softball at the highest level that they can.

Tennis has full time school/tennis academies - I would have no problem with something like that for baseball or softball (if there isn't already) but I do find the whole parent "owners" thing a little bit creapy. I wonder how many of these coaches are true developmental coaches vs. how many pick the talent of the day - the kid who is 6 ft tall at age 12 - and use him for as long as he serves a purpose and then cut him. I don't feel quite right about that. I wonder if the NCAA would ever get involved. "Negotiating" $500 of "spending money" is certainly a no-no if any of it is used by the kid; but I can see how ths could be a gray area.

There was an interesting "nature vs. nurture" thread on here a while back... interesting stuff.

Well after reading the article, I believe they are all about the talent of the day, there isn't any room for development. Shows me about the dedication these parents have. How many teams can a kid play on during the year? I wanna know how the coach got a 24,000 dollar ring????
Jan 4, 2012
Funny Timing this post...I just had a Baseball Coach 10u TB..come in on a fund raising mission. DD syphons the companys donations here. But I told him I would take his worst hitter, and make him good... He gave me 4. Plus... I got the Pick-Up player job for DD for Nationals, that I've been looking for. When he gets his best pitcher in form & its gets warm... DD is going to start going for some hitting practice with the team.... There Home field is just around the corner... :{))
Nov 26, 2010
Funny Timing this post...I just had a Baseball Coach 10u TB..come in on a fund raising mission. DD syphons the companys donations here. But I told him I would take his worst hitter, and make him good... He gave me 4. Plus... I got the Pick-Up player job for DD for Nationals, that I've been looking for. When he gets his best pitcher in form & its gets warm... DD is going to start going for some hitting practice with the team.... There Home field is just around the corner... :{))

I thought you were of the opinion that batters shouldn't take full swings until they were older. Are you going to insist these boys only bunt?
Jan 4, 2012
I thought you were of the opinion that batters shouldn't take full swings until they were older. Are you going to insist these boys only bunt?

Well....DD has grown 2.5 inches in last 6 mo. She seen a HR @ the Dome this month, by a slim girl on her team...and now... She ...wants to hit one.... I am working on her swing. Yes she will show them she can bunt against their ace, and like it. Yes bunt first... You know that it will be alot easier, that standing at 35'...She has a cousin that has played BB TB 10u last two years He'll be in 12u and I got his Mom fixed up with one of my old buddies, our Pitcher in HS...Hows son in law just happen to be hitting coach with facility... It will be the Polebarn vs. a girl in the back we spot them 2 yrs. he's older than her... LOL She has been to lots of BB 10u TB games...When she does hit off machine, it was baseballs, at a former MLB Coach/ MLB Scout/Boys TB league founder and pres.

DD has BB credentials too. Not to mention Big Bro.... I'm going to dig out his video's she shot of him hittin in....I know he won the HR Derby, but I doubt it was a high level swing....sounds fun...

Funny I'm listening to the UT replay Murry state Game as I type... The SEC player of this week, for batting 500...just layed down the bunt for the first score of the game...

Check out this Game
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Oct 22, 2009
When I read something like this, it makes me think that the use of human growth hormone and steroids in kids is not out of the realm of possibility. It is not as crazy as it sounds. If the parents are warped enough to put their kids in this kind of environment, then the parents are warped enough to think about how these drugs can get their kids an edge and get them ahead.
Jan 18, 2010
In your face
My 2 nephews ( young ) when playing up in the 16/17/18 age group, played for a national recognized BB team and flew in pitchers all the time. I also recall my brother texting me "team ____ flew in that stud ____ ____ from _____." Baseball is a money engine, where our softball is not.

Here is the kicker, we "kinda" keep up with those "fly boys" ( we call them ) most have gone on to college at some level, some to great programs, very few took a minor league offer, and about .0001 got the MLB offer.


Feb 20, 2012
Tennis has full time school/tennis academies - I would have no problem with something like that for baseball or softball (if there isn't already) but I do find the whole parent "owners" thing a little bit creapy. I wonder how many of these coaches are true developmental coaches vs. how many pick the talent of the day - the kid who is 6 ft tall at age 12 - and use him for as long as he serves a purpose and then cut him. I don't feel quite right about that. I wonder if the NCAA would ever get involved. "Negotiating" $500 of "spending money" is certainly a no-no if any of it is used by the kid; but I can see how ths could be a gray area.

Big $$$ womens sports are golf, and tennis. Which is why full time school/tennis and school/golf academies are available. Pyscho softball parents are chasing the dream of a college scholarship for their DD so it does not make sense to spend more than the cost of college trying to get a scholarship.
Nov 26, 2010
Big $$$ womens sports are golf, and tennis. Which is why full time school/tennis and school/golf academies are available. Pyscho softball parents are chasing the dream of a college scholarship for their DD so it does not make sense to spend more than the cost of college trying to get a scholarship.

It might not make sense but people are doing it, just check out the how much do you pay for Travel Softball threads. Many people are paying more per year then a State College Education costs per year, and they are doing it for 6-8 years.

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