10pm start time? logistics at Westerns

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Feb 3, 2011
When we arrived in Medford on Monday, we received word that a forest fire centered about 30 miles north would likely cause significant air quality issues and those reports turned out to be true. By Wednesday, many people were walking around the complex wearing filter masks, and on Thursday, game times were shortened to 1 hour. The advance schedule for Friday was modified.

Late Thursday, the air began to clear a bit, so on Friday morning, the decision was made to adjust the schedule back to full-length (1:40) games....only they didn't make that announcement until most teams playing that morning were almost at the fields. That delayed Mojo's morning start about an hour and once her team won that game, that meant another elimination game at 9pm, which had been moved from the modified 4:30pm.

When the team arrived that night to warm up, however, they learned that their field was about an hour behind. The tournament had to use more fields to accommodate 12u and their bracket games aren't timed. When her team showed up, the game before their game hadn't even started yet, because the game before that one was still going.

A different field eventually opened up and they were able to start the game at about 10:15pm. Both teams had to play under the same conditions, and it ended up being a pretty exciting game as both teams were playing pretty much on adrenaline. Finally, at about 5 minutes 'til midnite, the umpire signaled time and Mo's team was moving on to Saturday. Although only team spectators were there to witness, that was 1 of the games people around the park were talking about on the weekend. Those who did get to see the game saw something pretty special IMO.

It was an interesting set of circumstances, but I'm glad both teams were able to complete that Friday night game with everyone healthy, especially since Mojo's team was already down to 9. As bad as I felt for our players and coaches for having to play so late, I know that things were tough on the tournament staff as well. They did a wonderful job of setting everything up for a terrific weekend of softball.
Mar 28, 2013
We had the same Deal, Our late Friday game also started an hour late at 10:15 PM. Fortunately we got a run rule win in the 5th but still once we were done eating after the game it was 1:30 Am.I do remember your game still going on. our next game was at 11Am which was tolerable but the losing team played at 8AM.so if you do the math that's 4 hours real sleep for 12u's.Harsh!Great tournament though, The forest fire smoke was surreal. washed all the soot off my car yesterday. The Directors did a good job with all the uncertainty. So glad we did not have to go 1 hour time limit all the way through sunday. One of our Friday games timed out in the bottom of the 2nd inning.Thats not even a game
Jun 23, 2013
They ended up taking 5th place in the 12U division. Not bad for a 1st year 12U team, IMHO. Bucket Pinata's DD plays on the "big sister" team to my DD. His DD is an outstanding pitcher, I might add...
Mar 28, 2013
They ended up taking 5th place in the 12U division. Not bad for a 1st year 12U team, IMHO. Bucket Pinata's DD plays on the "big sister" team to my DD. His DD is an outstanding pitcher, I might add...

Thanks for the props,Wish the 02s made the trip.We had a ball on and off the field. Going thru the Hells Gate canyon on a 50mph jet boat with the smoke so thick you could barely see the shore was awesome. Also watched a fair amount of the 10s.I believe you guys would have faired quite well. with a good chance of going deep.

How did your Team fair MO MO? would have been fun to put some faces behind the posts.Tip a few Back.
Feb 3, 2011
Congrats for the terrific week your team had. We checked out your Sunday morning game and I remember seeing a bunch of your girls at the movies earlier in the week, too. Small world. :) I really wish we'd gotten to do the jetboat, but the time slot with our friends was sold out, so we ended up passing. Glad you got to take that in.

Our girls loved being able to watch their 01 team (and vice-versa) play during the week. It was pretty cool to see them supporting one another. I was especially proud of the way our team battled so hard despite being shorthanded. Other girls stepped up and made plays and kept the team in every single game as they finished tied for 5th as well.
Aug 23, 2010
Congrats for the terrific week your team had. We checked out your Sunday morning game and I remember seeing a bunch of your girls at the movies earlier in the week, too. Small world. :) I really wish we'd gotten to do the jetboat, but the time slot with our friends was sold out, so we ended up passing. Glad you got to take that in.

Our girls loved being able to watch their 01 team (and vice-versa) play during the week. It was pretty cool to see them supporting one another. I was especially proud of the way our team battled so hard despite being shorthanded. Other girls stepped up and made plays and kept the team in every single game as they finished tied for 5th as well.

The late night schedule change games are memories you will share forever. That story you will share with grandkids. I was at a torunament once that rained for the first 2 days oout of 5. They went to a 24 hour around the clock schedule. Still get a chuckle talking about the 4am game we played. Can't remember who we played or the score, but I do remember the start time.
I enjoyed Oregon despite the smoke and the modified time of the first day of elimination. We didnt play our best softball, but the girls got an experience to remember forever, and at the end of the day that is what it is about. The Hellgate jetboats were awesome. I was also very impressed with the teams from Washington and Oregon, in particular Nightmare, and speed 01 was very impressive. My DD team is an 01 team so I can appreciate an 01 team soing so well.

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