10 YOs wearing make up

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May 7, 2008
I may be an old foggy, but 10U girls wearing make up is just too much for me. I am seeing it more and more. I think it is about 4 years to early to allow any make up. It looks awful to me, on a 10 YO.

A new student that is 10 showed up for lessons Sat. and she had on more makeup, than I did. I am talking eye liner and mascara.

Some of these girls are getting too much, too soon. And that can't be good.

End of rant.
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Apr 1, 2010
Yes, my 11 yr old DD has asked me about makeup a few times and about having her ears pierced many times, but I am mean Mom.

Just because other girls are doing it does not mean she's going to. :) However, I will probably break down on those sometime in her mid-teens. No way am I EVER going to approve of a tattoo. That's a non-starter. Yes, I am an old fogey too.
Sep 3, 2009
Only time my 10yo DD wears makeup is during dance recitals. She had her ears pierced a year ago and I had no problem with that.
Jul 26, 2010
I agree, but you gotta pick your battles. What drives me crazy is when I find out my 12 year olds spend an hour putting on make up and doing their hair just to come to softball practice.

Nov 23, 2010
North Carolina
I live here at the beach and some of the clothes these teenagers (and sometimes younger) wear are disgusting. Some of them are wearing less clothes than a Playboy centerfold in public, not on the beach. They have no respect for themselves or their parents. Wait, maybe the parents are the problem. I am so glad my granddaughter is very modest but also very glad her parents take a keen interest in her and guide her the right way.
Nov 26, 2010
When my daughter was 10 the only make she wore was eye black. Looked pretty darn cute too. At 12 we started to let her wear very light amounts of make up. Some light colored foundation and a very light natural colored eye shadow. You would have to look closely to know she was wearing anything. It will stay that way until she is a bit older, maybe 35.
Nov 26, 2010
I agree, but you gotta pick your battles. What drives me crazy is when I find out my 12 year olds spend an hour putting on make up and doing their hair just to come to softball practice.


A lady I once worked with gave me excellent advice. She said that most kids need something to use, to rebel against their parents. The smart parent is the one who picks out the thing the kid uses, of course the kid has no idea thats whats happening. This lady basically banned Bon Jovi music from her house. She told her kid she hated it and did not appreciate it being played in her house. Every time the kid was mad at mom, he would go and play Bon Jovi, loudly. It was his way of telling her off. When she would come home, instead of a house full of kids smoking and drinking, (to rebel) she would pull in her driveway and hear Living on a Prayer playing. The secret her son didn't know was, Mom loved Bon Jovi. But he had his tool to rebel, and she was happy that it wasn't something dangerous or inappropriate.


Crazy Daddy
Oct 31, 2008
IMO, the only reason for a girl to wear makeup is to make her "look pretty" to her suiters. At 10 (or 12) a girl is not looking for a husband, she SHOULD be being a KID.

I have 2 daughters and neither were allowed to use any makeup except for lip gloss before they were 15.

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