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  1. K

    8yr old DD won't swing the bat

    It's nice to know that there are others having the same issue. Good news is that she swung the bat tonight!! Struck out...catcher dropped ball, she ran to first and made it on base and eventually scoring. Huge win for her personal accomplishment tonight. I do think a lot of it does have to do...
  2. K

    8yr old DD won't swing the bat

    We have been bribing with trips to Justice. One store that I'd rather not go into, but if it gets her to swinging. I'm all for it.
  3. K

    8yr old DD won't swing the bat

    Auto correct doesn't always get it We have talked to her about thinking positive going up to the plate.
  4. K

    8yr old DD won't swing the bat

    Thank you all for the suggestions. We have had her eyes checked...She is fine there. We will definitely give these ideas a try. I have Talladega about going up to the plate thinking "I'm going to hit" to get her to thinking positive. We have a game cross your fingers.
  5. K

    Coaching your own DD

    From my own personal experience and from watching my husband coach our DD. Treat her fairly. Meaning, don't continuously harp on things that she does wrong, while the other girls are doing the same and nothing is being said to them. She looks up to you and is you little girl. Always remember...
  6. K

    8yr old DD won't swing the bat

    She never really was one to swing at the really bad pitches. I do see your point though. It's like she freezes. She says that she can't tell how the ball in coming in. She has been hit several several times in games and practice. The hitting practice has been done off both but mainly coach...
  7. K

    Proud momma!

    Oh I know. I can barely watch her bat
  8. K

    8yr old DD won't swing the bat

    My DD is struggling at the plate. In hitting practice she is killing the ball. In games, it's like she freezes up. She is playing 10u. Grant it she is young and first yr going against actual pitchers, but we are halfway through our tournament play and she doesn't seem to be doing any better...
  9. K

    Proud momma!

    My DD will be 9 in August and is playing 10u league and TB. We don't brag a lot on her because we want her to keep her drive to improve. So, here goes. She showed an interest in pitching. Took her to her first lesson and she picked up on it quickly. I actually think she could make a productive...
  10. K

    Need help!! Helmet padding!

    Tried the manufacturer and only suggested to a wear a cap under the helmet. I will be trying the other suggestions as well. Thanks everyone!
  11. K

    Need help!! Helmet padding!

    Thank you to the both of you. I will check and see what I can find.
  12. K

    Need help!! Helmet padding!

    My DD has the smallest Rip It helmet they make and its too big. Would like to try using extra padding, but not sure which will work or if any. Any help is greatly appreciated.
  13. K

    8u Pre game Warm up

    Oops forgot
  14. K

    8u Pre game Warm up

    I would also like a copy of your Dynamic Warm Up.

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