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  1. H

    Infield drills - 13U Team

    Thank you!!
  2. H

    Infield drills - 13U Team

    Thank you!
  3. H

    Infield drills - 13U Team

    Thank you! Thank you!
  4. H

    Infield drills - 13U Team

    Just took over as head coach of a 13U team with a new group of girls (not new to travel just to our team). What are some of your favorite infield and defensive drills?
  5. H

    Increase speed

    Thank you! Will Google.
  6. H

    Increase speed

    I didn’t even think about that. That would be conditioning! What is long toss? Is that where they go further back behind the plate than their normal distance? I really appreciate your help!
  7. H

    Increase speed

    Thank you! This sounds like something that she has done before where she pitches from the bucket. Pulls out ball after ball and pitches as many as she can (fast as she can) into the net for 30 seconds. I just purchased some weighted balls as well.
  8. H

    Increase speed

    Nothing at this moment. She was in conditioning two days a week but with school, pitching lesson once a week and softball five days a week we stopped. School is out now and I am contemplating adding conditioning back in during the day 2 times a week.
  9. H

    Increase speed

    Hi Everyone. My daughter is a leftie pitcher in 12U. She pitches at 44/45 mph. Seems like her speed may be decreasing. She has gotten taller. Does puberty play a factor? She loves to throw drop balls so maybe that is what I am noticing.

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