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  1. N

    DeMarini sweepstake bats possibly for sale.

    One of the bats is still for sale. We sold the silver one at a local tournament. Thought we were selling both but we still have the white one. Anyway it's up on eBay if anyone has any interest thanks...
  2. N

    DeMarini sweepstake bats possibly for sale.

    Ok thank you not sure why. They show for me. However I did break the rule about not listing a price. I did now notice I can post a eBay listing so maybe I'll get them listed and post that here. Hate paying fees but whatever. Thanks again
  3. N

    DeMarini sweepstake bats possibly for sale.

    After noticing I hadn't gotten a reply I have now read the rules of posting something for sale. I realize now that I have broke several of them and I don't have any reputation here. I would erase this post but I don't see a button for it. If someone is an admin and would like to delete this post...
  4. N

    DeMarini sweepstake bats possibly for sale.

    We won the DeMarini CF r&d bats. I'm trying to see what the interest for them would be? You can look up the sweepstakes on Instagram and or Facebook it was last spring. I would love for my daughter to use them but like so many others I can't get a Ghost out of her hands. She will also swing a...

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