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  1. bgecoach

    The quality of mercy

    hey, i just got back from myrtle beach last monday. had a great vacation!!! great post ken. i got into a situation this summer where our travel ball league scheduled our team (18u) against a 14u team. this particular 14u team is a good team and won quite a few tournaments this summer at the 14u...
  2. bgecoach

    If You Could Create the Perfect Coach...

    great question stacie!!! as a coach, i'll be more than intersted in seeing what everyone believes to be good qualities... hopefully it is qualities that i can put into my program if we don't already have them.
  3. bgecoach

    Pitching Machine

    i'm located in lexington, ky. i'll get some pictures up asap i promise.
  4. bgecoach

    Hitting Clinic - Cincinnati area

    thanks for the heads up... i live just off I-75 a little over an hour away in lexington, ky. is howard carrier bustos' coach? someone was telling me her coach lived in cincinnati. also, do you know if he is available for inividual hitting lessons?
  5. bgecoach

    Struggling Hitters

    no but i think that may be a new policy next year. this parent is a nice guy but i think on the particular night that he was giving me down the road about being able to do a better lineup than i could, he maybe had a few too many adult beverages before coming to the field. he did contend...
  6. bgecoach

    Statistic software

    for me personally, it's hard to beat the good old scorebook. they're cheap and you can pick them up at any sporting goods store. plus being the geek i am, i enjoy keeping the books.
  7. bgecoach

    Struggling Hitters

    we usually just left them alone unless they struggled for an extended period of time. our top two batters were almost automatic on base hitters so it was important to get someone behind them that would reward them for getting on base. but i would give the hitter a few games to get things worked...
  8. bgecoach

    Best Fast Pitch Bat ?

    well i would suspect that you're going to get a lot of differing opinions on this one. my dd swings a combat virus fastpitch and that bat is rediculious. i hit about 5 balls with it in the cage and just handed back to her and said take this thing before i break it. it's a nice bat. she also has...
  9. bgecoach

    Pitching Machine

    i'll get some pictures of them up this evening if at all possible. they are tanks of machines. as far as price goes... i'm looking to get $500 a piece or $900 for the pair. they're typically in the $1000 range for new ones like the models we have. as far as a commision goes...:D
  10. bgecoach

    Pitching Machine

    I own a batting cage and my partner and I are splitting up the business and heading off in different directions... i have a atec "rookie" model softball and a "rookie" model baseball pitching machine that we are looking to sell. They're in really nice shape and to be honest they didn't get used...
  11. bgecoach

    Pitch count

    it's also important to remember most pitchers don't want to be pulled. don't ask them "are you okay?" and take them for their word if they are showing signs of fatigue. i've seen my dd in tears when she was having back problems and she would be saying "i'm fine, i don't need to come out."
  12. bgecoach

    Pitch count

    my dd pitched a four hit (i know the hit count has nothing to do with it, i'm just bragging) 11 inning high school game when she was a 15 y/o sophmore. she started the next game the following night. she has pitched in as many as five games in one weekend. these young ladies will have injuries...
  13. bgecoach

    Recruiting new coaches

    i believe the #1 difference in softball coaching vs baseball coaching (around here anyway) is the lack of former players returning to coach. most high schools, travel and rec baseball teams have former players coaching. many that went on and played at the professional level. FP on the other hand...
  14. bgecoach

    The coffee can drill

    thanks for the tip! i'll give it a try and give some feedback.
  15. bgecoach

    The so-called "natural" pitching motion

    my daughter has had back problems, tons of doctor visits and a MRI to prove it. she developed a shoulder problem a few seasons ago that eventually went away with rest. she has had her toenail fall off twice from the impact of landing. plus a ton of other aches and pains over the years. anyone...
  16. bgecoach

    Cutting kids

    i think this is great and sometimes it just a matter of having someone (besides your parents) believe in you. it's obvious that ken saw something in your daughter and no doubt she has an excellent work ethic... glad to hear she is doing so well. on the other side, i don't think cutting kids is...
  17. bgecoach


    i've always been tought shorter stride on drop (both peel and rollover) and longer on rise.
  18. bgecoach

    What is YOUR Biggest Coaching Challenge?

    our biggest challange this season (and seasons past) is getting the girls to be aggressive at the plate. they have some kind of fear of striking out that keeps them from committing fully to their swing. ironically the this fear of striking out causes them to actually strike out more... i would...
  19. bgecoach


    this makes perfect sense. my dd would lazily shorten up her stride and throw high. i would tell to use her legs and she would get her pitches down. don't know about male pitchers because men's fastpitch isn't played around here. i do know jenny finch, monica abbott have close to an 8' stride...
  20. bgecoach

    The intentional duck snort

    i actually saw a lot of duck snorts hit off of our change-ups this summer. a lot of teams were really good adjusting to popping those DSs out there after they had their weight too far forward to get any power. want to talk about deflating... you've just put two strikes on a power hitter, she's...

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