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  1. bgecoach

    Keep your fingers crossed

    LOL... i actually had a girl try out for my team this summer and i didn't take her because her parents were such PIAs. her dad stayed in my ear the entire time, telling me how she could play any position and that she had a cannon for an arm. no thanks... we'll be keeping our fingers crossed...
  2. bgecoach

    Correction for swinging over the ball

    you know i've always heard it taught to watch the bat make contact with the ball but i can honestly say when i get in the cage and hit the fastballs i do not see it make contact. i always figured that's why i'm a forty something fat guy that coaches fastpitch instead of being a former major...
  3. bgecoach

    Choosing a bat

    one thing i've noticed too is that if one of the largest or strongest girls on the team hits a homerun with her 34"/25oz bat then every girl on the team starts swinging it. you'll look up and there'll be some 16 y/o 5' nuthin' girl dragging some big log up to the plate that the catcher will have...
  4. bgecoach

    throwing mechanics - correct hand position

    i prefer the throwing hand be facing the same direction as your right (or left if you're a lefty) ear. if you hold your arm up and turn your hand directly behind you (picking something off a shelf behind you) you will feel your forearm and wrist tighten up. keep your arm and wrist relaxed and in...
  5. bgecoach

    Facemasks for ASA tournament play

    you know when you consider my dd has been pitching for six seasons. at least 40 games a season. so that's 240 games @ 100 pitches per game = 24000 pitches and my dd has only been hit hard once. that turned into a painful lesson why you don't throw a belly button high cupcake right over the...
  6. bgecoach

    Correction for swinging over the ball

    i found some cheap rubber frisbies at wal mart that i used this summer for these drills. they worked great and are easy to catch so the girls could throw them back an forth to each other.
  7. bgecoach

    Facemasks for ASA tournament play

    sorry but there is no way i'm slapping on any lipstick :p... oh, you're talking about my dd!!! to say my dd is hard headed is to say it gets a little warm in phoenix. what? i've never seen that;) i will say she is very nice and you can't argue with her knowledge but she is also a very...
  8. bgecoach

    Facemasks for ASA tournament play

    sarah was the 2006 ncaa div 1 batting champion and played for UT. she also played for team USA. she now works for emask. at least i assume she works for emask because she is the one who always contacts me from them. nice young lady, i always enjoy discussing softball with her when she calls...
  9. bgecoach

    Facemasks for ASA tournament play

    sarah fekete actually told me last winter that asa was going to start requiring masks on 16u and under pitchers and corners. i've heard the rumor but nothing that substantiates it.
  10. bgecoach

    For all those pitchers who aren't strikeout queens

    great post... i've seen a lot of pitchers with great defenses behind them wear themselves out by trying to strike out every batter. i've seen a lot of these "strikeout" pitchers wear down in late innings because of fatigue and number of pitches thrown. you figure on average you're going to throw...
  11. bgecoach

    Slapping Techniques

    i agree. my dd'd best pitch is her screwball and we threw it against slappers with a lot of success this summer. when her screwball was working, we saw a lot of lefties and slappers change sides of the plate during the game.
  12. bgecoach

    Taking Softball Out Of The Olympics!!!!!!!

    can't explain it... but hey, at least they're keeping the sport (i use the term sport loosely) where they dance around with a ribbon tied to a stick:rolleyes:
  13. bgecoach

    strongest position on 12u

    i sure could have used a ss and another pitcher piece this summer:D. i do realize that we are talking 12u here so there isn't as many girls that can make the throw across the infield at this age. this does cut down on players that can play the hot corner in 12u.
  14. bgecoach

    strongest position on 12u

    i don't think you can always consider the pitcher the better player. my dd is a great pitcher but you sure as heck wouldn't want her at third or short. she's not the fleetest of foot and at 5'11" she's not the swiftest at fielding and getting into throwing position. plus as you go up in play...
  15. bgecoach

    Best Fast Pitch Bat ?

    hey rick, i use to feel the same way about bats but the new composite technology absolutely dos make a difference. i own a batting cage and have had lots of opportunities to swing a lot of different bats that my slowpitch customers bring in. oh yea, there is a huge diifference in the bats. only...
  16. bgecoach


    many moons ago i played youth football and we had a d1 college player come and spoke at our year end banquet. he said something that stuck with me from that time on... "no matter how good you are, or think you are, you will come across someone else that is better than you."
  17. bgecoach

    Does the riseball really rise???

    so should we change the name from the "riseball" to the "doesn't drop as much ball?" LOL...
  18. bgecoach

    Arm Whip Drills

    hey slugger's thanks for the ideas. the rock skipping idea is great. i should add that my dd is 17 and will be her schools ace this season so we're in fine tuning mode more than pure teaching of mechanics. just looking at ways to add velocity, rotation, etc... i know she has a ton of flaws in...
  19. bgecoach

    Arm Whip Drills

    looking for some good ideas on some arm whip drills. it seems like my dd just doesn't have a strong whipping motion. i believe she could pick up a few mph plus add rotation by strengthening her whipping motion.
  20. bgecoach

    What is YOUR Biggest Coaching Challenge?

    thanks stacie, i appreciate the link...

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