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  1. B

    ASA 18 Gold Results?

    Best as I can tell from the scuttle butt on various discussion boards some of the gold teams really disliked the ASA rule disallowing current college players who were 18 and under from competeing. Bunch of the top flight California teams got a pow wow together and decided to do thier own thing...
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    Leftie - which foot leads??

    Wow, I have no idea what he's talking about. We dictate how a player leaves the bag, but that's based on getting a good timing on the pitcher and not getting called for leaving the bag early. It has nothing to do with being righty or lefty. I'd be asking for an explaination of why they want...
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    Cutting a player because of parents

    If the player is already on the team and a parent fails to uphold thier end of the parent agreement that they signed at the begining of the season I will talk with them one time. We have a little sit down and go over the agreement and discuss what was done wrong and that it will not be...
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    Hey, Two questions.

    I'll second this. I just got them and wish I'd had them years ago. Excellent information and presented in an easy to understand and implement way.
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    Leftie - which foot leads??

    Interesting question, and one I've never really pondered. I'll take a stab at it but bear in mind this is as much a mental experiment for me more than advice, but if my twisted thought patterns splattered in text form help I guess we can call it advice. To determine the best method for getting...
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    Daily it seems sometimes. :D To be young and experiencing so many things for the first time. Sometimes I envy them...sometimes they just wear me out.
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    I agree. It only takes one. That one that wants to stir up trouble for someone is going get out the big spoon and go to work regardless of situation and context. It is what it is. I'll execute my responsibilities as a coach the best way I know how using all the tools I find useful. I find...
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    Dunno Tucc, I spend 10 months out of every year spending a couple hours 3 or more times a week with them and the parents. I spend my entire summer traveling and being with them all weekend every weekend at tournaments. I spend more time with them than I do most of my blood relatives. I don't...
  9. B

    What do you do when no one believes in your kid?

    Good advice so far. Another thing to consider at your DD's age is how work ethic and athleticism balance each other out over time. Some of those kids that won the genetic lottery and are natual athletes at 10's and the game at that level comes easy to them don't develop a good work ethic...
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    I've got all the girls I coach, and thier parents as friends on facebook, that have facebook pages. We all get updates on our phones and crackberries from facebook. It's another communication tool for us to use. My wife shares the pictures she takes at games through it. I use it to throw out...
  11. B

    coaching a 12U team...advice please

    If you figure it out pass it along to the rest of us. I try to keep frustration, irritation and all the rest buried deep when working with the girls. So far I don't think I've fooled them once.
  12. B

    coaching a 12U team...advice please

    Hey Coach. Focus on the basics. Throw the ball, catch the ball and hit the ball. Teach them proper mechanics and get them doing as many reps as possible with supervision to address the mechanics flaws that are going to constantly creep back in. Depending on where your players are coming from...
  13. B

    Pace of practice question

    Depends on the drills point of focus. Teaching new skills or correcting fundimental flaws go slow and instruct. Polishing existing skills. Add preasure and see where the cracks develop. Speed and intra team competion are ways to add pressure. Examples: For skill instruction or trouble...
  14. B

    Parental Competitiveness???

    Unfortunately, our society has devolved to using everything in every aspect of life as a status symbol. Job titles, certifications for everything under the sun for professional alphabet soup on your business cards, what car you drive, what street you live on, how many bedrooms the house has...
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    Rip it Fielders Mask

    My DD wears a gameface. She likes it because it's lighter than the metal masks she's tried from team mates. I don't like the game face because it seems to restrict air flow around her face. When she comes in from fielding her face is beet red. Thank Goodness for Frog Togs and thanks to who...
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    Pre-motions; The 'Fireman's Ladder'

    OMR - You might want to put your back down a bit and lay off the !!!!!!'s. If nothing else you are coming off as confrontational or even hysterical in your disagrement with Hal's teachings. From where I'm sitting in the cheap seats of this forum, Hal has presented information to us many...
  17. B

    Just getting serious - looking for advice!

    Most of the stuff I was going to recommend has been covered already. One thing I'd like to add. If your daughter turns into a one sport wonder and a pitcher at that you'd do well to look into some sort of general purpose fitness program. Pitching is a very 'unbalanced' activity. Throwing arm...
  18. B

    Two broken bats

    One of the kids in our organization snapped a Vendetta this weekend too.
  19. B

    What's the first movement pitch to work on?

    I'd run with the pack and say drop, but my DD's coach is a curveball first kinda guy. She's getting good control of it finally and it's giving batters fits at 12U.
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    DD hit with ball...when to go on field?

    If the coaches have something that goes beyond thier comfort level to manage...they'll holler, motion for or come get Mom/Dad to assist with putting Humpty back together again. 16 and 18U I'd definitly hold out for the coaches call. Ball strikes : Ice 15 miniutes on/ 15 off. ONLY after play...

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