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  1. B

    10 YOs wearing make up

    I agree with you Amy. I guess I'm an old fuddy duddy right there with you. I finally relented this year on the make-up at 13. My wife pointed out that our daughter was one of the few girls not wearing any make-up to school and was being asked if she was Mennonite or Amish. I've only had to...
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    What makes a bad softball parent?

    Don't know that I'd cheer for a player getting on base on an error. A player drawing a walk off of a good pitcher is worthy of accolade. Now a walk on 5 pitches...the 3rd time that inning isn't worth cheering about. An 11 pitch at bat that results in a walk gets a high five when she gets down...
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    What makes a bad softball parent?

    14yo I'd suggest the player should try talking to the coach first. Perhaps after a little coaching from mom or dad about how to talk things out with authority figures. A good life lesson that will help prepare for the future in dealing with college profs and bosses when mom and pop aren't...
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    Talent vs. Practice

    HA! that's what happens when you surround yourself with giants. Even an average height guy looks like a shorty. Chewing that point a little more. I guess it's a good thing that Taylor Schopy, Angelina Mexicano and Kelly Montalvo didn't listen to all the people that surely told them they were...
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    Why does west beat east?

    Really? Explain that whole California budget thing to me then. D'oh! :D
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    Talent vs. Practice

    I really don't know what to say about some of these responses. IF your daughter has the dream to play college ball AND displays the desire and drive to do what it takes to get to that level. Don't write it off. Read the books Ken suggested. Then find a GOOD exercise physiologist or...
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    College Softball and Nursing

    Thanks SBF. Another of those common sense answers that makes me kick myself for not coming up with it myself. Dang Lemmings, you're all alike.
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    Talent vs. Practice

    So this talent thing you are all talking about is some innate physical ability that it's impossible to teach to a motivated hardworking girl who loves the game? Quickness and reactions? That can be trained. Speed? That can be trained. Eye quality? Er...sorta. Provided it's not a vision...
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    No I in Team but Player Wants a Scholarship

    Any chance of you explaining that point? I really don't think I get what you are saying there.
  10. B

    Does your softball player, play any other sports?

    My DD plays softball, summer and school, Track & Field school (Sprints and long jump). That's it for athletics. Do band, chorus and 4H count in there for 'other' activities?
  11. B

    Went to a tourney, yesterday.

    Excellent idea and would probably work well. Now all I need is for my catchers to actually start taking lessons from someone so my pitchers can go to them. That would be great.
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    LL Player can't afford to register

    Beg to differ Starsnuffer. We had a young lady that wanted to play ball with our org a few years ago but her family couldn't/wouldn't pay the fees. Our coaches put together a butterbraid order for her and she sold her butt off all fall to sell out her product so she could pay her fees. She...
  13. B

    Went to a tourney, yesterday.

    It would be awesome to have our catchers show up to the private pitching lessons for our pitchers. Our catchers are playing basketball league and volleyball for school. Just not available for that. The joy of multisport athletes, only available during season for a given sport. One of four...
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    I respect the opinions that don't paint all parent/coaches the same shade as the worst examples people can dredge up. I apreciate and applaude the accomplishments of the players that have been used as examples of how to do it right. Allow me to counter with an example of my own. How about the...
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    Rear elbow leading the hands

    Shockcoach, Looking at the clip, the rear elbow is definitly getting too far ahead. When working with players that have this kind of flaw I make a point of emphasis that the back elbow catches and moves with the hip. (RVP type elbow/hip/shoulder connection) If you haven't had luck...
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    Easy guys. You know there's no such thing as a good, respectable, knowledgeable and certainly not objective coach with a kid on the team. That damnable genetic link to one of the players is an Achilles heel that is the undoing without fault of otherwise intelligent , rational and generous...
  17. B

    Should pitchers be taught a bullet spin fastball?

    I don't know the cause. I wouldn't hazard a guess. I guess according to everyone else I'm just a delusional daddy. Works for me. See you on the funny farm.
  18. B

    Should pitchers be taught a bullet spin fastball?

    My DD throws a bullet fastball. It does some very odd and unexpected things. About 25% of the time is takes a weird break. Usually a drop or a screw for about 3-4 inches of movement. Occasionally a rise hop or a late curve for about 3 inches. I don't think it has started to hurt her yet...
  19. B

    Little League Bans Composite Bats

    2009 Demarini Voodoo Pitchblack FP was a good bat. My DD used one for 2 years and just replaced it with an Anderson Nanotek after the athletic director at middle school ran over her bat bag with a gator. It had great pop and she hit really well with it until that little incident.
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    Assistant Coach Dilemma

    Jeff, As an assistant coach I encountered some of the same frustrations. Like you, I still don't think I'm ready to run the show. Though I'm getting pretty close. One thing I'd like to point out. There is something to learn from every head coach you work with. Find those things that this...

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