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  1. B

    The Circle and its' purpose

    Tojo, I'm not aware of a rule that states the pitcher has to stay in the circle. The only thing I know the circle is for is the look back rule. I wouldn't call myself a rules expert there so take, so take my opinion for what it's worth. I know I've used references to how close to the chalk...
  2. B

    Illegal pitchs-Florida/UCLA

    I'd like to have that option to be honest. I'm not an instructor. I'm a volunteer coach. The kids I work with are the ones on our team. Coach says work with them on mechanics and I say 'Yes Coach' and do the best I can. Granted, the ones with attitude, don't practice and don't improve...
  3. B

    Improving reflexes on third base

    Similar trend here. I use batting cage balls, the dimple foam balls and hit short hoppers from 20 feetish away. DD doesn't like getting one in the shin, but doesn't fall into a sobbing, wimpering heap.
  4. B

    Illegal pitchs-Florida/UCLA

    Fair enough. I don't try to be an rear, but I do a good job of it sometimes none the less. I'll try harder, to avoid it I mean. That one bothers me. I did not, nor would I ever say any of my players, nor anyone elses for that matter were stupid. Let me say it again so there is no...
  5. B

    Illegal pitchs-Florida/UCLA

    Nice claws there Tojo, do you have bit teeth too? It wouldn't be difficult for her to fix her crowhop if she would excute the drills she's been shown to correct the mechanics causing the problem. Since turning 13 it seems I, her private coach and her parents have developed a case of the...
  6. B

    Illegal pitchs-Florida/UCLA

    Dunno SoftballSoccerDad. 5 of the 6 pitcher I coach all can keep contact with the pivot foot. I assume, if they tried the college pitchers would be able to also. Guess what, they won't try until they start getting called on it. Just like Fowler didn't try to fix her leap until WCWS even...
  7. B

    WCWS....Pac 10 Again

    I can imaging not having to practice in an unheated pole barn at below or near freezing tempratures is a little bit of an advantage. I just tell the girls to remember those days. They will think fondly upon them come August. Of course when they complain about the heat/humidity of August I...
  8. B

    What do we practice from now until the Fall?

    Since no one has mentioned it and it's the only thing left. Fielding practice. One of the coaches I've worked with has a saying. "If you hit 10,000 balls at a monkey it will become a pretty good infielder." I've noticed this works well for kids too. At 10u, it's the kids who have fielded...
  9. B

    WCWS....Pac 10 Again

    Of course listening to the PAC-10 fan base talk smack about how the rest of us are just a bunch of hack wannabes doesn't do them any favors either.
  10. B

    Need Help on IMPROVING my pitching

    I'll take a stab at helping you, though many here are more qualified and probably better prepared to help. It sounds like you are having the same problems most new pitchers have and it's nothing that can't be fixed with time and practice. You want to increase your accuracy. In order to be...
  11. B

    I am not going to brag, I am not going to brag, I am, oh forget it, I am bragging

    Listen here young lady!! Don't make me come over there!! You mispoke a little bit there. If you don't get the opportunity to play in college, and don't continue to play in adult rec ball, then your PLAYING career is over. After reading your posts for the last six months I don't believe for...
  12. B

    Hey Umps! Answer me this...

    The only time we really see dramaticly different strike zones, one team gets a huge zone the other team tight, is during those unfortunate matchups of significantly different skill levels. We had one of those happen this year. It didn't affect the outcome of the game, it didn't even keep the...
  13. B

    Illegal pitchs-Florida/UCLA

    Just like all the people saying 'How could they be illegal all year and suddenly get illegal at WCWS?'. See it all the time in youth. Teams show up to state and nationals and suddenly the rules are enforced. Apopalectic coaches of illegal pitchers are kinda fun to watch in a morbid train...
  14. B

    Illegal pitchs-Florida/UCLA

    If we are ever at the same tournament. The red cooler in the trunk has the coach soda's in it. See ya there when the day is done. That's been my argument for years. Great post.
  15. B

    Illegal pitchs-Florida/UCLA

    I always like these kinds of responses. You'd rather let players that are incapable of playing within the rules and coaches who are incapable of teaching there players to play the game within the rules of the contest to be competitive and possibly successful with those who ARE capable of...
  16. B

    What makes a great tournament?

    Thanks, time to talk to my fellow coaches about this St. Louis tournament situation.
  17. B

    What makes a great tournament?

    GD, I've never seen beer for sale at any of the tournaments I've been to in IL or IN. As far as parking lot carbo loading, yeah yeah that's the ticket. It depends on the venue. In IL it would be illegal to consume or posses alcohol on school or park district property. So clearly...
  18. B

    What makes a great tournament?

    I agree with Dalton on the safety tip, though I don't list it as the number one item. Either the feilds are safe to play on or we are going home. Quality of competition is number one for me. When we go to a tournament we want to play tough games and put the preasure on our players to perform...
  19. B

    Illegal pitchs-Florida/UCLA

    Am I resistant to change for selfish reasons also? You bet your bippy. All my pitchers that I coach are legal. If the rules change I have to go figure out which of the illegal mechanics I've spent my (admittedly short) coaching career trying coach out of my players will provide an advantage...
  20. B

    Illegal pitchs-Florida/UCLA

    What's with everyone demanding we reinvent the wheel? What have been called wheels on this wagon have been square shaped for years. How about we get back to round, circular wheels feel like on this wagon before we decide they need to be re-engineered. That was perhaps to clever for my own...

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