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  1. M

    Got a good one for you . . .

    Literally happened today at my kids game. Travel b/c. 11 on our roster tonight, injured player stayed out, next batter assumed the 0-1 count. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. M

    LXT or Meta or Something Else

    LXT reviews for previous years have been very positive and it’s gotta be for a reason. Eastons were snapping and cracking, but the LXT - I have read nothing about them having these issues. We don’t own one, but I have been keeping my eyes open for right time and price for my 14u who’s currently...
  3. M

    Beating a team that's better than you

    Great example tonight. I Watched the game on video after it was over since was working. Our team made some tough errors- 2 fly balls should have been caught. Pitching was OKAY, but gave up an early lead. 2 questionable calls by the ump may have been responsible for a 2 run differential. Opposing...
  4. M

    Beating a team that's better than you

    It is an interesting thought. Maybe why many of us love the game. MANY things can shift the balance of who is better at a given point during a game. But I have seen my fair share of very dominate, handpicked teams crush my kids’ teams. I’ve noticed that when we face these teams there are two...
  5. M

    Are Midrange bats a thing for a HS player?

    I’ve had some great luck on eBay. Play it again sports can be decent. I’ve noticed Amazon sells some bats for very cheap based on size and weight - the LXT from 2023 was going for 50% off recently. My 14u is swinging a 1 piece worth bat from 2016 that she has done well with. My 9u has inherited...
  6. M

    NiJaree Canady - gotta admire her

    Serious mental toughness. I feel lucky that I was able to see her play in person at the Pac12 tourney at the beginning of May. My kid got her autograph! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. M

    14u pitcher struggling with mechanics. Advice welcomed.

    Those arms should be straight. She’s either going to overcompensate to the right or throw this ball way left of the strike zone. Is this every pitch? Or a fluke?
  8. M

    Down the rabbit hole I go…

    I appreciate all the kind words and motivation to work with her. This kid WANTS to succeed. She is definitely willing to put in the work. Im glad feedback so far is that it isn’t too terrible. I don’t want to overhaul her swing. I really want her to be comfortable at the plate instead of...
  9. M

    Down the rabbit hole I go…

    This is side view from yesterday. I’ll get a front view this week. This particular swing seemed an improvement vs where we started
  10. M

    Down the rabbit hole I go…

    She’s B level travel but really has goals playing through college. She does work outside of practice, but hitting hasn’t been addressed as much. We hit the cages when our schedules allow and I’ve got the tee set in the basement for winter. She’s ready to put in work on her own. But until she...
  11. M

    Down the rabbit hole I go…

    This. I’ve noticed her frustration of moving from tee to side toss to coach pitch to machine. I’d say her machine hitting closely resembles her game hitting - lots of early fouls, swing and misses and straight back to pitcher hits. Her timing isn’t bad- aside from those fouls to first base...
  12. M

    Down the rabbit hole I go…

    Pitch ID isn’t even in the conversation yet. Load is bad but improving. Stance doesn’t seem great but it was taught to her by the organizations hitting instructor. Hip turning, I have been showing her the last few weeks as I’ve began to research and see the patterns. I’ve been working with her...
  13. M

    Outfield Depth Perception

    Idk about yall, but something about softballs - maybe the color? Size? But it seems harder to judge up in the air.
  14. M

    Down the rabbit hole I go…

    I’m very excited to read on through the hitting section of the forum. My 13u has really struggled and I feel she’s been getting bad advice. Specifically, I feel the coaches are trying solve for bad mechanics instead of teaching good mechanics. I’ve been watching videos non-stop and reading...
  15. M

    Accessories for protecting injured thumb ?

    Ordered, even have her team colors ?
  16. M

    Accessories for protecting injured thumb ?

    Did this, I see tons of the catcher ones. But because it’s her throwing hand I want to make sure she still has dexterity. I found something that looks like it’ll do the job. Fingers crossed!
  17. M

    Accessories for protecting injured thumb ?

    Hey all, My 14u injured her dominant hand thumb. She is due to be healed this week with our follow up early this week. I just know that the confidence will not be there without a crutch of some sort. Anyone have any recs for a thumb protector of some kind?
  18. M

    Looking for fastpitch instructor in Chicagoland west

    Scratch that. I finally searched “tincher” and found lots of threads, but I didn’t find what made it different or better or worse. I did discover some passionate opinions.
  19. M

    Looking for fastpitch instructor in Chicagoland west

    I’m curious about this as well. Despite looking on google and even on here, what pitching styles or methods exist, I have not been able to find a comparison. I asked some women that I know through my job, who incidentally, were taught by Jill Waldron, they explained it as where the body starts...
  20. M

    Looking for fastpitch instructor in Chicagoland west

    We are in the Wheaton area, we’d like to stay within 45 minute drive.

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