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  1. A

    Turf Concerns ...

    The other thing that I forgot to mention was that they put six huge sprinklers, and I mean huge, (I was a golf course superintendent, I know about big sprinklers) around the perimeter of the soccer/lacrosse field. They told us that if the field was being used regularly and hadn't been rained on...
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    Turf Concerns ...

    When the college I worked at bought their turf I was told there were 3 types to chose from, short blade which was fast, long blade which was slow, and a medium. The company also said that the infill's job was to support the blades, and the blades job was to keep the infill in place. After two...
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    Turf Concerns ...

    I was in charge of a small D3 college athletic facility, with a turf baseball infield and a clay softball infield. The common thinking is that turf is basically maintenance free, this is not true. You can neglect maintenance but it greatly shortens the life of the turf. The baselines that were...
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    Struggling coach

    Since this is rec and you are by yourself I would not go in the direction of more structure and drills. Having 12U girls do a drill by themselves, without an adult keeping them on task, is a recipe for disaster, inevitably it will deteriorate into a gigglefest. My advice would be to go for more...
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    Leaping? Or replanting?

    I think that that is tied in with the hesitation and also what makes me feel that it is more like sling shot.
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    Leaping? Or replanting?

    My take on the landing that a pitcher makes when replanting is that the ground impact on the front leg will be less because the force is redirected. When I look at some of the male pitchers with a giant leap, and imagine them landing on the front leg without a replant, I cringe. Another way to...
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    Spin rate and Velocity

    If all break is late break then is there a possibility that late, late break exists??
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    What do you think?

    She looks pretty good, but I couldn't slow it down to look at her mechanics in detail. I have had pitchers who are the same way when it comes to velocity. When we work on velocity in practice they have difficulty reaching the speed they throw in games. Can it just be adrenaline or is there some...
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    Spin rate and Velocity

    I now think that late break is possible for the curve ball. The ball won't pick up any RPM but the trajectory will change and if the spin axis is aligned correctly this makes it possible that the ball will curve more at the end of it's flight. It's the Grand Canyon scenario that I talked about...
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    Spin rate and Velocity

    So what was her magic formula, a spin pitch, or something else that baffled the hitters? I accompanied a D3 team for spring training last year and we faced a pitcher with a genuine riseball, about 75% back spin. She no hit us and the coach told us that we were her 3rd no hitter that spring. She...
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    Best way to replicate elite velo for 16u players outside of showcases/tournaments?

    Assuming that the machine is fast enough why is this an issue? The one component I rarely see addressed is the swing-no swing decision and how it affects timing. I don't see much benefit to the Teacherman video, there's no decision that has to made as to whether the incoming ball is hittable...
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    Spin rate and Velocity

    This is a very complicated subject with several factors that usually escape notice. First up, the velocity has an effect on the trajectory, so the direction of air flow over the ball will change as it slows down. Imagine this, you go to the Grand Canyon and throw a ball with bullet spin...
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    Developing Fastpitch Pitchers: The Speed v Accuracy Debate

    I don't think it's a matter of intentionally slowing down. From my perspective it involves the intention of the pitcher, when she brings her hands together what is she trying to do? Is it her intention to throw a strike, or to throw fast/hard? When I work with a pitcher part of our practice will...
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    Introducing the BAT TRAC Muscle Memory Trainer

    This is a very complicated subject and deserves it's own thread.
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    Anyone here good with motors/electronics? Jugs machine question.

    They do look different. Can you send Jugs the control panel for repair, cheaper than sending the whole machine.
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    Anyone here good with motors/electronics? Jugs machine question.

    Assuming that the panels are different might explain why the new one doesn't work, but it won't help you fix the machine. With old electronics it sometimes helps to look for corrosion where connections are made and also for cracks in soldered joints. I used to work with old irrigation...
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    This was dorky

    I say euthanasia, that runner left the base well before the ball was out of the pitcher's hand, and she wasn't trying to steal home.
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    Anyone here good with motors/electronics? Jugs machine question.

    Then I would guess, again, that your machine, being a 2004 model, doesn't match up with the panel that they sent you. Of course Jugs should know if the one they sent you is an 'updated' model but I wouldn't bet money on it. When you compare the panels side by side do you notice any difference in...
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    This was dorky

    Are you sure Georgia wasn't donating an out? The score was 20-8 at that point, with two on base and one out, top of the 5th inning.
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    Anyone here good with motors/electronics? Jugs machine question.

    By circuit board do you mean the control panel, with the speed dial, speedometer and on/off switch? My first thought would be the rheostat, but I've never looked inside the control panel so I'm just guessing.

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