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    Are New Balls Slick?

    That's interesting, years ago I coached on a team that practiced at an indoor facility with turf, they had a supply of balls that you could use. These balls were so slick they actually shined in light.
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    Are New Balls Slick?

    The thread in the Rules section has me puzzled. In my area Dudley Thunder Heat is the most popular ball so that is what I'm most familiar with. Personally I prefer this ball in new condition and consider it to have a light tackiness to the surface. This feel generally lasts most of the game but...
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    What do y’all see?

    With a little bit of bat drag thrown in.
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    Defacing the Ball

    You're right, what I am I thinking, you can't put stuff on the ball, period.
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    Defacing the Ball

    I think most people understand that you can only apply approved substances to a ball, and dirt is not on that list. Otherwise what you describe would be a common occurrence, in 50+ years I have never seen anyone do it.
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    Curveball grips

    The first thing is to check and see if she's actually spinning the ball with a 2 seam orientation. When throwing spin pitches the ball often comes off the hand in strange ways, just because you start with a 2 or 4 seam grip doesn't mean that's the way it's spinning. The way I check this now is...
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    Defacing the Ball

    In my 2022 rule book 6-2-2 starts out "The pitcher shall not at any time during the game be allowed to use tape or other substance on the ball ............." Has this been changed?
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    Cj Johnston - 643 Fastpitch - Fort Worth, Texas

    Before we had kids I used to say that with my wife's looks and my brains they'd have it made. Of course I never said that around my wife.
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    Defacing the Ball

    Many years ago when I went to my first D1 college game I had a chance to stand by the fence and look into the dugout. It was a mid major college. I was shocked to see the home team head coach give the umpires a bunch of used balls as game balls. I had assumed that they always started the game...
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    Timid 10u pitcher advice

    I would go in the opposite direction, especially considering this girl's age. Internal cues (focusing on parts of the body) are okay if you are teaching basic movements, but if you want to work on velocity isolating movements won't be very productive. I think you are better off telling her what...
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    Was this an illegal substitution?

    Since the flex and the DP don't appear to have been involved at all I think this has to be an illegal substitution.
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    Getting an off the plate/outside strike

    The quick in game fix to try is to change the location of the target. Where is the catcher setting up the glove? And I'm not sure that you want to try a serious mechanical change for pitches that are only missing by an inch.
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    Dropped third strike play

    I saw this a couple of years ago. Second baseman fields a ground ball and gets flattened by the runner. The runner gets up and continues to second base. Second baseman lays on the ground for about 10 seconds because she's a bit dazed. No call on the play. Ump says the second baseman never...
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    Getting from 9 o’clock to 12 o’clock ?

    An interesting variety of styles in the video; leap and drag; big crow hop; leap-no drag; small crow hop. And they had a safety base at first.
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    Shoulder position at release?

    It's difficult to draw conclusions from 10U. I have seen pitchers that age, with HE mechanics, have success because they are big, strong and good athletes, and they throw relatively fast with decent control. But as they age they can't keep up with the IR pitchers. It's not so much the degree...
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    Getting from 9 o’clock to 12 o’clock ?

    The key to making any change is finding a cue which works. Coming out of the glove or starting with a flexed elbow works for some girls. My favorite is having them focus on making the ball circle smaller, to make that happen they will have to flex the elbow.
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    Getting from 9 o’clock to 12 o’clock ?

    It's really an individual thing. With a beginning pitcher, or any pitcher that is struggling to master IR, I will encourage more arm bend over the top with a smaller ball circle. But as they develop I will generally let them find what works best for their particular build and body structure. For...
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    Advice on 10yo swing appreciated

    I assume that the pitch was low in the zone, so the hand position doesn't bother me. The overall plane of the swing looks like it cuts down and in, across contact, rather than on plane with the path of ball. What jumps out at me is the relatively straight lead arm. I like to see a lot more flex...
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    Getting from 9 o’clock to 12 o’clock ?

    Rather than what is 'ideal' I have a 'range' that I consider acceptable. Some pitchers will gravitate towards a 'long' arm, with very little elbow flex, so their action will be more circular and have less of a contribution from IR. Others will have a lot more flex in the elbow over the top and...
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    Dropped 3rd: Safety Base

    I have always played with a safety, I've coached high school in two states so I guess they both required it.

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