Batting 9 vs roster batting

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Dec 5, 2017
What would it matter, obviously the last few players suck and are only on the team for filler spots and will not help the team win and isn't winning everyone's god.
Couldn't be further from the truth. We are moving up in competition knowing full well that we will struggle. I couldn't care less about our record by the end of the season. Our girls that care and work hard need to play better competition and shouldn't sit while others that don't put in the work are rewarded with playing time. Each of the girls I'm talking about has the ability to be much better, you can see it. They just don't care to put in the work.
Oct 14, 2019
Couldn't be further from the truth. We are moving up in competition knowing full well that we will struggle. I couldn't care less about our record by the end of the season. Our girls that care and work hard need to play better competition and shouldn't sit while others that don't put in the work are rewarded with playing time. Each of the girls I'm talking about has the ability to be much better, you can see it. They just don't care to put in the work.
it’s always a tough road when the coach’s goals and player goals are not aligned.
Sep 1, 2021
Roster size wasn't my decision. How about if players come to practice and put in work at home like the rest of the team.
If you're saying that you would bat them if they were better, then they're not good enough to be on the team. You shouldn't take their money.
But if you're saying you only want to bat 9 to have the best chance of winning, that's a different conversation.
May 17, 2012
Hey Suzy we are putting on you a 12u travel team. You are the 11th best player and if you don't work hard they are going to cut you from the team.

If you work hard enough you will be rewarded; if you don't softball will teach you an important life lesson at twelve years old.

Good grief.
Jun 8, 2016
If you work hard enough you will be rewarded; if you don't softball will teach you an important life lesson at twelve years old.

Good grief.
Yeah well I have 19 year olds in class who haven't learned that yet so when are they supposed to start learning it? You might as well start learning when the consequences are only getting cut from a softball team...
May 17, 2012
Yeah well I have 19 year olds in class who haven't learned that yet so when are they supposed to start learning it? You might as well start learning when the consequences are only getting cut from a softball team...

I don't offer positions to twelve year old's. I offer positions to the parent(s) of the player at that age.

Everyone likes to go to the "life lessons" card when adults can't act properly in sports.

I don't need softball to teach my kids life lessons.
Jun 8, 2016
Everyone likes to go to the "life lessons" card when adults can't act properly in sports.

I don't need softball to teach my kids life lessons.
Well from what I have seen everyone isn't a super parent like you and then their kids get to college/work life and wonder why they are not getting what they desire. It is also important to understand that just working hard isn't enough sometimes, that is life.

Kudos on your parenting proficiency though.
Last edited:
Jul 16, 2013
Really depends on the composition of your roster and the goals of your team.

At 12u we carried 12 players. 6 of them were clearly better than the other 6. 3 others were fair. The last 3 definitely needed work. We knew that our goal leaned more towards development than winning, so everyone had roughly equal playing time. We tried to play the bottom three more on Saturday, while focusing on the top 6 more on Sunday. Yes, it hurt our seeding sometimes, but we were okay with that.

At 14u we made a distinct effort to make sure we had like minded players, as much as possible. Our goal was still 12. After tryouts, we ended up with 11. We had several other options that we could have added at 12, but we made the decision to hold where we were. In the spring, another player contacted us and joined the team. Our goal switched to one of winning, but we had a roster of players that was relatively interchangeable. Yes, we still had 3 or 4 that were head and shoulders above the rest, but we never hesitated to put anyone on the field. It worked to our benefit as well, as when the inevitable family trip, funeral, or other event popped up, our team didn't miss a beat.

Sounds like you may have some tough decisions to make after this season is over. If you do not intend to play certain players regularly, they really shouldn't be on your team. So when it is time to fill your team for next year, I would take that into consideration. Don't fill the team just to fill the team. Fill the team with specific plans in mind so that everyone has a role and can contribute to the team's success.
May 1, 2018
Have you thought about just cutting girls and picking up ones who are of a higher skill level? But yeah bat 9 in bracket play.

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