"I heard it pop".....

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May 1, 2018
The most dreaded words a parent can hear I think. Well my DD said it to me last night. She was doing popup slides at the HS softball camp and put her hand down. We are 95% sure she tore her ligament in her thumb. (my wife tore the same one a couple years ago).

Is that the most dreaded words to a softball parent?
Oct 2, 2017
Man that sucks. Hope she recovers quickly. My daughter did that on a trampoline. Heard and felt a pop in her foot. Fractured it and was out for a good while.
May 27, 2013
I did that sliding into 3B. Hyperextended my thumb and the ligament pulled a piece of bone off at the insertion point. Felt and heard a pop but also bruised and swelled up pretty quickly afterward. Unable to grasp a bat afterward because it hurt too much. Also known as gamekeepers thumb. Had to be in a cast for a few weeks, then PT.

Hope it’s not the same thing and she heals quickly!
Jun 8, 2016
Pops are never good. That is what my ACL tear sounded like. A close second is muscle tears that sound like paper ripping..had that happen with my adductor and hamstring (different incidences) in the gym ?

Hope she has a speedy recovery.
May 1, 2018
Update: X-rays say the UCL strained and it put a small fracture in her thumb. In a brace for 6 weeks, she will have a MRI next week to confirm that there is no tears in the UCL.
Not the best news, but as best as we could have hoped. Spring Season is done but she will be healed up for fall and her first time HS ball.
Jun 8, 2016
Even though I am not sure they are made for feet first slides, maybe get her one of those oven mitt things the kids use nowadays (or just have her hold a batting glove in her hand she injured..this might actually be better considering how she did it..)
May 1, 2018
Even though I am not sure they are made for feet first slides, maybe get her one of those oven mitt things the kids use nowadays (or just have her hold a batting glove in her hand she injured..this might actually be better considering how she did it..)
Yeah she isn't exactly "speedy" and doesn't slide much lol. Then damp turf made her slide more than normal...just a comedy of errors. But you are correct on the mitt and the gloves.

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