Team Not Hitting

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May 2, 2010
All winter we had the team doing tee work, soft toss, etc. along with some team hitting lessons. Everything looked good. So far this spring anytime we faced a pitcher that had some zip on the ball our hitting is non-existent. Our hitters look lost. Does anybody have any ideas or drills to do. The timing looks way off, and the swings are tentative. The girls are first year in 14U. Thanks.

Ken Krause

May 7, 2008
Mundelein, IL
They might be a little intimidated by the live pitching at a faster speed. After all, you can't get beaned in soft toss.

One thing to try is the Barry Bonds drill. Have them hit (off a live pitcher or pitching machine) from a normal distance. When they hit the ball, have them take a step forward. Then repeat until they can no longer catch up to the ball. It doesn't necessarily stop the intimidation factor but it does show them they can read and react in time.
Oct 25, 2009
This is pretty common for teams coming out of winter practice. The more games you play the better they will hit. Because they'll be seeing more live pitching.

Also, if the tee work you've been doing is short distance into a net you will benefit greatly to hit long tee in the field. We set up on the 3rd base line and hit towards right field. We found this to offer quick benefits; after less than a week of a bucket of balls per player per day.

Nothing is better than live pitching, though.
Jul 28, 2008
Here's a great video by Sue Enquist on the mental aspect of hitting.

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Sep 17, 2009
Hey Softballphreak just curious: do you hit one girl off one tee at a time or get multiple tees going....just wondering what works/is safe....tks.
Jan 14, 2009
Atlanta, Georgia
The only way for a hitter to get their timing down is to hit lots and lots of live pitching. In fastpitch that means hitting against players or coaches who can pitch windmill style. On our team, I pitch full windmill from about 30 to 35 feet from behind a screen. I throw as hard as I can while still being able to throw strikes. I use a little jump step to get my momentum going because I'm old. I make sure to get feed back from the girls as to how my speed compares to what they see in games. It's usually pretty close. I can only throw two pitches, a fastball and a change-up.

I tell all my players to take at least one pitch their first at bat of the game. I don't know of many players who can consistently correctly time the first pitch they see in their first at bat of a game. They aren't just taking a pitch however, they are taking a pitch in order to get a feel for how to time the pitcher.

Ted Williams took the first pitch of his first at bat, almost every game. It got to the point where the pitchers knew he was going to take the first pitch of his first at bat. So the pitchers started throwing him a fast ball on the first pitch, knowing he was going to take it. After he retired, Ted said that he wanted pitchers to know he was going to take the first pitch, so they would throw him a fastpitch. He wanted to see the fastball right away so he would know how long he could wait without getting beat by the fastball. IOW, he keyed everything off the fastball.

Once he saw the fastball, he would look for the fastball on the second pitch of the game. If he got a pitch other than the fastball, he would take it and log that pitch into his memory. For example if the second pitch was a curveball, he would observe the quality of the curve. Did it fool him or was it fairly easy to pick up?

Most pitchers knew he was looking for the fastball on the second pitch, so they would throw him something else. Now he had seen two of the pitcher's pitches. Most at bats after two pitches he would be in a 2-0 or 1-1 count and he would see a third different pitch; maybe a slider or change. He was basically baiting pitchers into showing him what they had for pitches that day. His philosophy in his first at bat of the game was not to swing at a pitch he hadn't yet seen, up until he got two strikes. So if the pitcher threw him a fast ball on the first pitch and then came back with another fast ball, he was laying for it. If he got a curve he would take it. Then, based on the quality of those two pitches he would begin to develop his mental appoach for the remainder of the at bat, and try to out think the pitcher.

Occasional he would swing at the first pitch so as not to totally reveal what he was trying to do. He tells the story of doing that in a game where he hit a homerun. The pitcher groved a first pitch fastball and he belted it into the bleachers. As he was rounding the bases the pitcher yelled at him something along the lines of; "You're not suppose to swing at the first pitch".

Fastpitch players like Katie Cochran have studied players like Ted Williams, and understand the value of going to the plate with a plan. Elite fastpitch hitters don't just walk to the plate carrying the bat. They have a plan.

I'm starting to introduce some of mental stuff to our girls (14u), but in all honesty I don't see the interest. I'm not sure if it's just my players, if it's the age, or if it's the fact that they are girls and care more about talking about boys and who is breaking up with; or going out with; who.
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Oct 25, 2009
Hey Softballphreak just curious: do you hit one girl off one tee at a time or get multiple tees going....just wondering what works/is safe....tks.

We use 3 tees and a whole lot of outfielders out about 200'. We also emphasize line drives. You have to stay on that; they want to hit it high and over.

Also very important is to make sure they keep the tee inside the front foot. Most will want to set the tee almost a foot in front of the front foot towards the outfield. Set it as close to centerline of body as possible, trying to achieve a hit up the middle for a down the middle pitch. Working outside or inside of course would be a different placement of the tee.

Side note: Use the Tanner tees if possible. The way they are made makes the hit feel more realistic. Most of the other tees interfere with contact or break too soon.
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