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  1. 3

    This pitching motion legal?

    BY RULE this is an obvious IP, wrist is obviously waaaay outside the elbow ... its practically sidearm. Umpire has to have the guts to call it.
  2. 3

    Obstruction or interference? You make the call.

    OBS - easy call ... coach's explantion was lame at best.
  3. 3

    Pitching replant (crow hop)

    She is not replanting & pushing off ... both feet come up and they land at the same time. Definitely a leap.
  4. 3

    How hot is too hot?

    The problem is the tournament organizers want to have the biggest tournaments with the most teams and they have kiss-up UICs who are too afraid to say "no". And everyone suffers because of it. Some even die.
  5. 3

    How hot is too hot?

    At what point in the summer should a tournament not be played? DFW this weekend has highs of 105 with a THI 112+. Unless the facility has a building in which umpires can cool down, its just too hot and too risky. Providing a shady spot is not enough when its this hot.
  6. 3

    Running through first and turning inward

    Umpire was wrong, which way the runner turns around has no bearing.
  7. 3

    Babe Ruth Rules.. All players must play?

    This would not be an umpire issue. They call the game.
  8. 3

    Bad catcher, good pitcher

    Recently ran across a HS fall ball situation I'd like to get opinions on. Varsity game, good hard throwing pitcher, catcher who should not have been out there. Plate umpire took several direct hits where the catcher never even moved her glove. Umpire approached the coach and asked that he put...
  9. 3

    Mush Balls in Play...

    If I am calling and its a team-supply-the-balls game, then I do nothing. Just call the game. Of course this should be known by all going in.
  10. 3

    What is the procedure a catcher should follow to appeal to the field ump on a checked swing?

    The catcher cannot appeal to the BU, only the PU can. All she needs to do is ask the PU if he/she will check with the BU. If asked, most PUs will always go to their partner, but in NFHS ball they are not required to.
  11. 3

    Runner on First Question

    YES the rule is the same in softball, all sanctions.
  12. 3

    Moving the bat...who is responsible?

    ^^^^^^^ 100% correct ^^^^^^^
  13. 3

    Rule question

    This is definitely NOT OBS. And umpire cannot tell the fielder where to play if she is legal. If OBS happens, then it needs called. "Impeding vision" is not OBS.
  14. 3

    Overuning first base

    And the BR can turn left *or* right. Simply turning left does not = an attempt to 2nd.
  15. 3

    Obstruction during a rundown

    being in a rundown does not change the OBS rules
  16. 3

    NFHS Defensive Conferences

    And by the way, a defensive conference should be charged when the D coach requests time to talk with any defensive player, not just the P.
  17. 3

    Elite, Gold, etc

  18. 3

    Umpires: Pay Policies?

    "( go the extra mile tell me where it missed (high, low, inside, outside)" --- that's not the mechanic umpires are taught ... you should be able to tell if it was hi lo in out, even from the dugout
  19. 3

    Player ejected-Little League

    Which rulebook? LL?

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