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  1. N

    Obstruction Question

    High School rules. Bases loaded, ball hit softly back to the pitcher. Bang-Bang play for the force out at home. Catcher was on top of plate before receiving the ball, but for the sake of argument we'll say she received the ball BEFORE the runner arrived and any contact was made. Runner slid...
  2. N

    Which is Faster?

    Somewhere on this site is is a discussion about the speed of forearm pronation beng as fast or almost as fast as the blink of an eye. In the interest of science, and wanting to take a break from a very nitpicky bucket dad trying to help her catch the whip, DD offered this experiment to...
  3. N

    Need a Pep Talk

    Today was a rough day for DD (11yo in her 3rd year, mid 40's mph I guess) and I. At a softball clinic hosted by the Varsity Coach of our High School, DD was receiving lessons from the best pitching coach in our area. I don't dispute this... she has helped many of our area's best pitchers have...
  4. N

    The time has come.

    After a year and a half of Lurking, the time has finally come for my first post. I simply want to say THANK YOU to all of you amazingly unselfish instructors that give freely of your time and expertise. There are literally thousands of dollars worth of instruction on this site that you provide...

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