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Oct 2, 2017
You says ‘sounds like a timing nightmare’ means you didn’t try and are knocking it. Dont whine CL
I meant that as a rhetorical statement because I have done it. It doesn't mean I haven't tried it. I've swung the bat, done things myself. Even taught my DD that at one point.

That being said, it didn't work for her. Taking that thought away, and simply time the ball, the foot will get down when it needs. Made a huge difference for her. Maybe that will work for others maybe not.
Jun 8, 2016
Like I said before, and I think you agree (since @Work=wins mentioned it and I believed you agreed) your DD (and mine) have an issue with regards to leaking she is swinging her front foot down (in the negative connotation of that phrase..) In Marcela's case a lot of that is due to her stride. In Allie's game swings (at least the most recent ones you posted) I don't see the issue of loading her upper early during her negative move (Marcela did have this issue as well), which you addressed in the post that started this "heated" discussion. It just seems to me she needs to learn (feel...) the optimal(..won't always be possible of course) position she needs to be in when she gets her foot down. My 2 cents..
Aug 20, 2017
I think getting to your spot is different for every hitter. Some move their spot forward and some don’t. Very difficult to time getting the foot down at a certain point. How early is early? Can be taught to be down too early and lose all stretch. I’ve seen hitters taught this and they double stride and timing is jacked up. As Manny says the foot will get down when it needs to. Better to teach when to get the front foot up imo. The body naturally wants to make the action of the front side and the hands (scap load) match. Of course not all players do it naturally but it’s easy to do some upper body stretch/coil stuff to get that feel. Teaching a player to “load the scap” will get you into the weeds quickly and mess up timing. Easier to teach the upper to coil against the rear hip. That’s been my experience teaching hitting
Oct 2, 2017
Like I said before, and I think you agree (since @Work=wins mentioned it and I believed you agreed) your DD (and mine) have an issue with regards to leaking she is swinging her front foot down (in the negative connotation of that phrase..) In Marcela's case a lot of that is due to her stride. In Allie's game swings (at least the most recent ones you posted) I don't see the issue of loading her upper early during her negative move (Marcela did have this issue as well), which you addressed in the post that started this "heated" discussion. It just seems to me she needs to learn (feel...) the optimal(..won't always be possible of course) position she needs to be in when she gets her foot down. My 2 cents..
Like that
Oct 2, 2017
I think getting to your spot is different for every hitter. Some move their spot forward and some don’t. Very difficult to time getting the foot down at a certain point. How early is early? Can be taught to be down too early and lose all stretch. I’ve seen hitters taught this and they double stride and timing is jacked up. As Manny says the foot will get down when it needs to. Better to teach when to get the front foot up imo. The body naturally wants to make the action of the front side and the hands (scap load) match. Of course not all players do it naturally but it’s easy to do some upper body stretch/coil stuff to get that feel. Teaching a player to “load the scap” will get you into the weeds quickly and mess up timing. Easier to teach the upper to coil against the rear hip. That’s been my experience teaching hitting
Good stuff.
Oct 2, 2017
Do you throw CU to her? That is the easiest way for me to see (when I am throwing to her) if she leaking or not..Leaking=popups/weak GB..let her figure it out some.
Yes, I mix that in here and there randomly. Including not actually throwing the ball to see where she gets to.

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