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May 7, 2008
San Rafael, Ca
Delicious _

The reason I posted the Candrea live and independent hands is that what is accomplished by that is learning the EARLY handle torque that is a key part of Mankin's swing model.

Mankin has the best mechanical model of the swing as a blend of handle torque and double pendulum/CHP.

The torque is early and the hands learn to direct the upper/lower body synch/timing and adjustment (educated hands).

The "education" as actually done by bringing out inborn patterns that give a limited number of possibilities to the skill.

To narrow the possibilities down, you can have a disconnected arm swing or you can have the connected PCR swing or you can have the MLB pattern (also connected to body rotation until contact via "CHP") as we have discussed here in other threads.

Mankin's model is for the MLB pattern.

Epstein is the best available info for this. Slaught is pretty good as are LaU Jr an Peavy and yeager amopng others.

The Nyman/Englishbey/markH is a totally different swing.

Mankin's videoanalysis tape is good and he gives lessons in person near Disneyland.

The place to find out about how "tip and rip" works is
May 12, 2008
Suffice to say I've been reading Tom for disagreeing with him most of the time and again here.
May 7, 2008
San Rafael, Ca
Jack Mankin on MarkH:

Bat Speed -- Baseball Hitting Forum

>>> Jack-

Longtime poster Mark Hansen says :

"Top hand torque has long been discredited. Even to the point where Jack reportedly
doesn't emphasize it much anymore." <<<

Hi Tom

Over the years I have read many of Mark's posts and never once found him to have an original thought of his own. His mannerisms and knowledge of the swing was formed in the Nyman era and I doubt he will ever shake those shackles. He has become so close minded to the term "THT" that I doubt he would allow himself to grasp the importance of the bat's rearward acceleration.

No Tom, you have not missed anything. I still emphasize to my students that mechanics that accelerate the bat-head rearward (THT) is an absolute key to a high level swing.

Jack Mankin
May 12, 2008
My impression has been he deemphasized it. Apparently I gave him too much credit. Mannerisms? Odd word in this context. In any case, I studied Mankin and Epstein LONG before I read anything by Nyman. Top hand torque is poppycock. On this Epstein and I agree based on what he told me face to face at one of his events. As to originality, so what? I never claimed to invent or discover anything new. Mankin failed to understand momentum transfer and came up with the best idea he could to explain opposite field power and called it top hand torque which of course would amount to casting/losing the hinge angle early. The rest of his stuff, as far as it goes, is good. Now you know I think your knowledge, motivation and intellectual honesty is less than par. I now go back to, as much as possible, ignoring you. :)
May 7, 2008
San Rafael, Ca
Mark H says:

"....called it top hand torque which of course would amount to casting/losing the hinge angle early"

This is wrong. early handle torque does not have to unhinge the lead wrist early.

Early handle torque is necessary for swing quickness and needs to be applied without causing premature unhinging.

Nymans sims in his ebook show this, for example where he demonstrates the "early torque" produces the quickest swing.

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