Worst parent of the weekend.

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May 6, 2014
Low and outside
I've had this one as an umpire....

First pitch of the game - Ball

From the stands - C'mon Blue! Be consistent!

It's shorter than yelling, "Please endeavor to call pitches strikes when they are consistent with the strike zone as defined in the rule book that has authority over the current contest."
Mar 1, 2013
Three into the backstop about 4 feet over my head (obviously called balls). Fourth one comes in at the shins, well below the knees. Ball four.

"C'mon Blue! You're confusing these kids!"

Apr 16, 2010
We had a team kind enough to refuse to shake our girls hands this weekend in 12U. They just walked off the field and packed their stuff. We did beat them 11-1 but we have been on the other side of that and would never think of walking off. I don't know what they were thinking we had done wrong. If it had been 21-1 and we were stealing bases until the end maybe but after the 2nd we only had one girl advance on a passed ball and it was one of those crap I should not have done that moments.
Mar 23, 2010
We had a team kind enough to refuse to shake our girls hands this weekend in 12U. They just walked off the field and packed their stuff. We did beat them 11-1 but we have been on the other side of that and would never think of walking off. I don't know what they were thinking we had done wrong. If it had been 21-1 and we were stealing bases until the end maybe but after the 2nd we only had one girl advance on a passed ball and it was one of those crap I should not have done that moments.

DD gets annoyed with that stuff, but lets go of it. DS fuels up on it, gets downright giddy that he's ruined someone's day to the point they choose to further humiliate themselves this way.
Feb 15, 2013
Last year a team put 32 runs up in 3 innings on a team and beat them 32-0. They scored 30 4 times last year. Everyone dislikes them and wants to beat them but damn you need to respect them.
Jun 1, 2013
Last year a team put 32 runs up in 3 innings on a team and beat them 32-0. They scored 30 4 times last year. Everyone dislikes them and wants to beat them but damn you need to respect them.

Sounds like they need to play in a different class or maybe get some class. Beating an opponent by more than 15 is ridiculous. Let a girl pitch that is no good, let girls work on their bunts, step off a base or 2, end the game as quick as possible. What will not be so funny is one these times when they are up by 20+ and one of the starters gets hurt. A win/loss record of 30-0 demands respect, a single win 30-0 has the opposite affect.
Mar 1, 2013
Sounds like they need to play in a different class or maybe get some class. Beating an opponent by more than 15 is ridiculous. Let a girl pitch that is no good, let girls work on their bunts, step off a base or 2, end the game as quick as possible. What will not be so funny is one these times when they are up by 20+ and one of the starters gets hurt. A win/loss record of 30-0 demands respect, a single win 30-0 has the opposite affect.

Agreed. I called some PONY a few weeks ago and the last team I saw in the day was a monster compared to everyone else. They played hard, fast, pitcher threw heat with great movement and pretty well placed the ball wherever she wanted. When they batted, the put the ball wherever they wanted, took the extra base as needed and put the games away. They never rubbed anyone's nose in it and got up just enough to get the games over in 3 or 4. They played with class the whole game, too. From what I remember looking at the standings after the tournament, they won it all with a run differential of 38 to 1.


Not lost - just no idea where I am
Oct 2, 2011
Last year a team put 32 runs up in 3 innings on a team and beat them 32-0. They scored 30 4 times last year. Everyone dislikes them and wants to beat them but damn you need to respect them.

I will give USSSA in Florida credit for calling out a coach 2 years ago for scoring 32 in a pool game. Apparently the state director called the coach that evening when the score was recorded and told him if it happened again that was the last tournament he was entering (USSSA has 90% share of tournaments locally).

We beat that team 5-2 the next day in an elimination game. We had 4 other teams in our division stay around to cheer for us against them.
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