Worst parent of the weekend.

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Jun 11, 2013
I was watching a game yesterday while we waited for next game.

First pitch of game PU calls ball.

Parent: "You have to be kidding me blue"

next pitch

PU calls ball 2.

Parent: "What do I have to do to get a call"

PU calls time walks over to coach and asks him to quiet parent down.
Coach walks over and tell him and he nods.

Next pitch Ball 3.

Parent: "I can't believe you missed that one too:"

I had to leave because I was laughing too hard.

Did I mention it was 8U?
Oct 22, 2009
Jan 24, 2014
Sat by a real winner myself this weekend. We were playing for the 10U USSSA state championship at a complex the sells alcohol (bad idea). This guy who is obviously had too much did nothing but run his mouth the whole time. When we were up to bat he would start chanting/singing fastball, change up, fastball, change up....." He also kept saying to everyone of his girls "c'mon girls don't be stupid" and turned to his buddy and had a 'deep' conversation debating the merits of saying don't be stupid as opposed to be smart. He is convinced that if you say "be smart" you are implying they are stupid and vice versa. He also was telling his hitters where our catcher was setting up to tip her off (not sure if this is too bad of a thing but some were upset about it) Keep in mind we are at opposite ends of the bleachers and I can hear him plain as day. The guy I was sitting with got up and walked away because he was so irritated with him and a few of the other parents.

This is the second weekend in a row we have played this team in the state championship game, NSA and USSSA and the fans (not all of them of course) from this team are obnoxious enough without adding alcohol to this guys system. Last weekend after they blatantly and obviously cheated on a substitution situation that the director said he was going to let slide, they were actually flapping their arms like chickens at one of our moms, telling her she was a chicken and smelled like chicken....

All and all I believe life has a way of balancing things out and I will congratulate them, they now have two state runner-up trophies :D :D
Aug 26, 2011
Houston, Texas
Sat by a real winner myself this weekend. We were playing for the 10U USSSA state championship at a complex the sells alcohol (bad idea). This guy who is obviously had too much did nothing but run his mouth the whole time. When we were up to bat he would start chanting/singing fastball, change up, fastball, change up....." He also kept saying to everyone of his girls "c'mon girls don't be stupid" and turned to his buddy and had a 'deep' conversation debating the merits of saying don't be stupid as opposed to be smart. He is convinced that if you say "be smart" you are implying they are stupid and vice versa. He also was telling his hitters where our catcher was setting up to tip her off (not sure if this is too bad of a thing but some were upset about it) Keep in mind we are at opposite ends of the bleachers and I can hear him plain as day. The guy I was sitting with got up and walked away because he was so irritated with him and a few of the other parents.

This is the second weekend in a row we have played this team in the state championship game, NSA and USSSA and the fans (not all of them of course) from this team are obnoxious enough without adding alcohol to this guys system. Last weekend after they blatantly and obviously cheated on a substitution situation that the director said he was going to let slide, they were actually flapping their arms like chickens at one of our moms, telling her she was a chicken and smelled like chicken....

All and all I believe life has a way of balancing things out and I will congratulate them, they now have two state runner-up trophies :D :D

Wait a minute...selling alcohol at a kids' tournament?? Seriously? I have never seen that! That is a recipe for disaster, IMO Where was the tournament?
Jan 24, 2014
Wait a minute...selling alcohol at a kids' tournament?? Seriously? I have never seen that! That is a recipe for disaster, IMO Where was the tournament?

Detroit area. I had a lady I work with tell me she loves going to tournaments here with her sons baseball team, now I know why. Pretty much a full bar set up right there in site.

I agree with you... Recipe for disaster!!
Jun 18, 2013
I wasn't involved in this one and didn't witness it first hand but I have been following a Facebook thread about it and it is golden. A mom from one of the 8U teams in the Alabama USSSA state tournament this weekend called out the entire parent group for another city because, and I quote, " One parent even proceeded to yell at our girls while they were on the field and told them to cry their way home back to MyCity!! Seriously?!? These are 8 year old KIDS!! YourCity, you are a PATHETIC and TERRIBLE group of individuals!!"

It has started the normal back and forth of defending YourCity and MyCity does worse. It's all pretty funny until you remember that it is about an 8U coach pitch state tournament playoff game. Not even the championship game.


Jan 9, 2015
At a tourney earlier this year, I saw a mom and dad yelling at their daughter after a championship game for "not pitching good". Mom says give me your phone! Can you imagine knowing you didn't perform to your abilities and then being punished. The girl was crying. My daughter says to my husband and I "I hope you two don't ever get that crazy".

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