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Oct 4, 2011
I'm starting to obsess over the softball field that DD's team uses. Her organization got permission to use a local high school field, in return for maintainence (HS season is in the fall). The girls played on the damp field last night, after a rain storm on Tuesday. They raked up after themselves, but the field was still a little wet. I went out this morning to check on it and ended up raking the entire thing by hand (the tractor is currently broken so we can't spike it).

My back, legs, arms and muscles I never even knew I had are all hurting. Jogging just does not cut it. Rake a field - and eat your heart out, fancy gyms!

Any other stories/tips on field maintainence? Fields are in incredibly short supply around here - what is the field situation like in other areas of the country?
Jan 18, 2010
In your face
I've used my four wheeler a few times over the years to work the fields before/after prac/games, when the tractor was broken or unavailable. Just loop/connect the drag mat or spike mat to the rear hitch and you're set. Saves time and wear on the body.
Well I am sure your high school would not allow you to do what we did so I won't mention it (we are from Texas you know). I have dragged by hand baseball fields but never a softball field I really feel your pain.

As a rec league open to the city, we have exclusive use for the season of our city field it is in OK shape but we still do all the extras in the pitching and batters area. It does drain fairly well expect for a few trouble spots but overall can't complain too much. We have two dedicated softball fields for 15 teams. During tournaments we can use 4 baseball fields that are in the same city park.
Jul 26, 2010
I used to have to speed hand drag a field after a HS was done to get it ready for TB practice before dark. Your muscles burn the first few times but you get used to it. What always chapped my hide was when some parent or other adult wanted to chat with me as I dragged around in circles, without ever offering to help.

Aug 23, 2010
Go to a trailer shop and see if they have a tail gate to a lawn trailer. Probably sell it to you cheap. Tell them why. Put a chain on it. Drag it behind a small truck or SUV. Works like a champ


May 7, 2008
A, A
I drag our softball field b4 every practice we have. It is used by a lot of teams so I try to keep the field well maintained. Yes I walk the dragger around.
Go to a trailer shop and see if they have a tail gate to a lawn trailer. Probably sell it to you cheap. Tell them why. Put a chain on it. Drag it behind a small truck or SUV. Works like a champ

Which is what we do when we need to but isn't the High School AD going to do a double take as the Ford F-150 is going around and around his softball field.
Oct 4, 2011
Which is what we do when we need to but isn't the High School AD going to do a double take as the Ford F-150 is going around and around his softball field.

Ha ha! I have used my small suv to spike the field (on Sundays :) ) but lately the steering is starting to stick and I'm worried that I'm somehow getting dirt up into the drive train?

The school has several pieces of non-working tractors, gators, golf carts, with one working mower buried way in the back. My new plan is to try to extract the mower somehow. We also have a few guys coming next week to replace some sod; I may ask if they can spike the field with their equipment for a few extra bucks. Otherwise, until we get the tractor fixed, I may just develop delts to die for as I drag our increasingly cement-like field by hand. The rain soaks it, and then I need to rake like a mad bunny before the sun bakes it into a giant adobe brick.

My son's baseball team keeps getting their practices cancelled because the city closes their fields if they are the slightest bit damp. At least the softball program is somewhat in charge of its own fate. The other city rule that they take extremely seriously, is "no warming up on the grass if there is frost on it" - is this paranoid or have you all found similar rules in your areas?
May 7, 2008
"no warming up on the grass if there is frost on it" Huh?

I think I would find an empty lot or a parking lot and ask to use it, even if I had to use softy balls.
Oct 19, 2009
In our area fields are in short supply, a field about half mile from us they lock the gates when not being played on. The rec-center charges $15 an hour for practice and an extra $20 for lights. Girls are the last to get fields.

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