Why the mask threads generate so much heat

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Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
Great, more bogus info and anonymous quotes. Can anyone provide an actual quote from a top coach stating they have an issue with face masks? Until this moves beyond hearsay and conjecture it is more of the same BS.
Feb 7, 2014
Great, more bogus info and anonymous quotes. Can anyone provide an actual quote from a top coach stating they have an issue with face masks? Until this moves beyond hearsay and conjecture it is more of the same BS.

What coach in their right mind would make a public statement against masks... ?

Ken Krause

May 7, 2008
Mundelein, IL
One of the girls mentioned in the article (Lindsay Efflandt) is from around here. I watched her pitch several times in travel ball and high school. Also coached against her once in a game. She was by far the most dominant pitcher in the area. When she was in 12U, I clocked her throwing 60 mph+ with a Jugs gun. Not every pitch, but she could do it when she'd just cut loose.

When she took that ball to the face (ironically of the bat of probably her closest pitching rival in the area and a summer teammate) it was a huge deal here. Her HS team went from contenders to also-rans in no time. She came back toward the end of the season but she wasn't the same. Hopefully she's doing better now.

This was a kid who racked up a lot of Ks and didn't give up many hits. You wouldn't think she'd be in that much danger. But all it takes is one well-hit ball, even by chance.

I used to be anti-mask too. Didn't see the need, and neither of my daughters ever wore one. The older one played pre-mask era, and the younger one had no interest in one. Today I'm glad they're both past playing age so I don't have to worry whether they're making the right decision.

Ken Krause

May 7, 2008
Mundelein, IL
In the article it says it was an anonymous questionnaire.

I think a lot of people are more willing to make "public" statements if no one knows who they are. The whole business of Internet commenting is essentially founded on it.
Aug 29, 2011
I saw rec girl who should have been wearing a mask last week and who probably wishes she was wearing one after the fact. She was playing 1B and expecting the play to be at home wasn't ready fro the throw from P at 1B. She had emergency dental surgery to pull down her teeth that were forced up into her head, a new set of braces and some nice stitches on the inside of her lip. In some ways she was lucky both front teeth weren't knocked out. Mind you this was rec and a travel ball girl is probably paying more attention and this doesn't happen but of the 5 kids in the infield at the time, she was the only one NOT wearing a mask. Of course Dad was blaming P for throwing to first instead of home and not his DD for not being ready to field her position.
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
There are over 1,600 colleges with softball programs so there has to be close to 5,000 coaches but I have yet to see a single direct quote from a reliable source. That doesn't mean that it is not out there, but it does lend itself to being an extremely rare situation. If it was a pervasive as some would lead you to believe there would be someone on the record.
Jul 19, 2014
Madison, WI
Why wouldn't they if they had conviction in their position? This seems more and more like a fastpitch urban legend.

Well, we've had LAS explain that she doesn't like players with masks, and mention her organization is against it. More than an urban legend.

Face it, people get downright STUPID when it comes to sports beliefs. Players, coaches, sportswriters, fans, parents, etc. all can be complete idiots.

My father told me about a conversation he once had back in the 1950s with a prominent NY sports writer. My father was a big Brooklyn Dodgers fan, and came away convinced the writer was a complete idiot. For example, the sports writer claimed a certain player would never amount to anything because said player was a devout Roman Catholic, and would spend too much time in Mass to be a good player. Gee, like there have never been any good Roman Catholic players.

Or, back in the 1970s, the Philadelphia sports writers used to completely rip Steve Carlton apart. A trainer for the Phillies learned some martial arts strength and agility techniques, and Carlton followed them religiously (to the point where Carlton studied the Asian religious philosophies that accompanied the methods.) Imagine, a PITCHER doing strength and conditioning exercises. That was considered NUTS at the time. All Carlton did after that was get 4 Cy Young awards, win 2 games in the 1980 World Series, win over 300 games with over 4000 Ks, and make the Hall of Fame.

Sports superstitions die hard. That's why the Moneyball folks were able to make a killing so fast. That is why players who were just a tiny bit ahead of their time, like Carlton, could completely dominate.
Aug 29, 2011
There are over 1,600 colleges with softball programs so there has to be close to 5,000 coaches but I have yet to see a single direct quote from a reliable source. That doesn't mean that it is not out there, but it does lend itself to being an extremely rare situation. If it was a pervasive as some would lead you to believe there would be someone on the record.

I have to agree with you. I haven't heard one direct quote attributed to a college coach saying you can't wear a mask. I'm not saying those coaches aren't out there but on the record all I've ever heard is - "It's the player's choice" or some variation of that from college coaches.

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