When Does Winning Become Important?

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May 24, 2013
So Cal
In my experience 8 year olds want to win, but not so much that they will bother to know what the score is. You could tell them after every game that they'd won and they wouldn't know the difference most times.

For regular season rec ball, I tend to agree. Plenty of it in 10U, too. However, two years ago, my DD's 8U all-star team was very conscious about winning and losing (and the score), and even showed signs of gritty determination in close games.
Jun 24, 2010
I coach a 10u Rec team. I would love to win every game and we do try, but I play girls at different positions and let others than my Ace pitch. If we win within those parameters, that's great.

Like others have said, winning matters. The question is how much does it matter, and at what age????
Aug 29, 2011
There is a big diffearance in playing to win and coaching to win at all costs.

I think the players on the field should always be playing to win, but all teams have different development goals.

I think if you are chasing a birth in Nationals or something like that, then winning is going to matter more to your team goals than in you're playing some random summer tournament that's one of 6 or 8 you'll be playing that doesn't really effect where or who you'll be playing next weekend.

I think for school ball, high school is where winning becomes important, especially at the varsity level.
Jul 19, 2014
Madison, WI
DD#2 cheated at her 1st game of Sorry at the age of about 3-4. hahaha

My DD #2 has a rule for family games. DD #2 always wins. Most of the time it just works out that way. However, sometimes she manipulates the situation a bit. Such as, pairing up with another family member in Monopoly, or threatening to make a game of Risk last 2 more hours unless I concede defeat, even if I am winning at the time.
Jun 11, 2013
In youth sports winning is one of the goals, but not the only one. Effort, Sportsmanship and teamwork are important too.

I've actually been more proud of my team when they lost to a great team or played a great game than winning other games.

Losing to a great team 3-1 can be more rewarding than beating a crappy team 8-7.