What's the call, Blue?

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Dec 5, 2012
Mid West
Runner at 3 with no outs. Batter hits a line drive right over third base chalk line. Third baseman makes an attempt to catch the ball but is hit by the runner who has jumped off the bag. Ball is not touched by anyone and rolls out of bounds down left field line. Blue says it's simply a foul ball and play resumes....
My point here is, had the runner not ran into the third baseman, she would have most likley made the catch. Blue said the runner had equal rights to the path and the contact was incidental.
What's the call?.....
Jun 18, 2010
Was the runner at third standing in fair territory after the ball left the pitchers hand?
Feb 17, 2014
Runner should be out since they can't impede the fielders first attempt at fielding the ball. With it being a foul ball, this may not be the case?
Nov 26, 2010
Fair or foul has no impact on whether or not there is interference. But the ump can use his/her judgment on whether or not there was a chance to make the play.
Jun 20, 2012
ASA Rule 8-7-J-1:
THE RUNNER IS OUT when a runner interferes with a fielder attempting to field a batted fair ball or a foul fly ball.
Jun 7, 2013
What if the third baseman is impeded by the third base coach? This happened to me in a crucial situation in an important game. The third base coach stayed where he was and just ducked down. He took out our third baseman (I strongly suspect on purpose) who was unable to get over and catch the easy pop fly. The ump ruled it a foul ball.
Feb 17, 2014
Base coaches can't interfere at all all, physically or verbally. They have to get out of the way or the batter is out.
It is a judgement call. Interference could have been called if the ump thought the girl would have made the play.

This happened to us just last weekend. Our #2 hitter was on 2B with our #4 hitter at the plate. We run this play quite a bit with these two as the #2 hitter (a slapper) is wicked-fast and our #4 hitter (right-handed power hitter) can pull any pitcher that breathes. Hit-&-run was on and since everyone in the ballpark knew the girl on 2B was likely stealing, the 3B was back almost even with the bag so she could take the throw, as this particular girl will beat almost any SS to the bag unless she is playing WAY out of position....even then it will be an adventure.

To make a long story short, the girl at 2B breaks with pitch and the 3B, knowing she doesn't have much time, also takes a step toward the bag at the release of the pitch. Our #4 hitter calmly hits a ground ball that would have been a step or two to the 3B's left had she stayed home like she was supposed to but since she took that step toward the bag, the ball rolled right on by and into left field, driving in the run. The SS, being a smart player, made a veiled attempt at the ball by running right into the path of the girl who was stealing and actually brushed into her. The opposing coach was screaming for interference, to which Blue said, "She couldn't make that play. No interference."
Dec 5, 2012
Mid West
Base runner was on the chalk...kind of half and half. The runner came off hard as if it was a hit and run play, but she and the 3rd baseman collided. I was arguing that the runner had interfered with the defence and should be called out. Blue saw it different.