Well I found it amusing.... ITB and opposition chanting during IBB

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May 18, 2009
I hated cheers at 10U hated them at 12U until we stopped. Move to 14U where they didn't cheer at all. Our new team though loves to cheer (came from rec). HC loves
them and since I've gotten most other changes I want I let it go, but it drives me nuts. They can remember 500 cheers, but most have no idea what the score is or how many outs we have.

Or what the count is?
May 23, 2015
Personally I love the chants. I don't offer an opinion one way or another to the girls. Hitting round balls with rounds sticks is a lot of fun. If the ladies want to do it, who cares. I do not allow any degrading comments. I played baseball for a ton of years and we all chattered from the dugout.
Jun 18, 2013
My only rule is no taunting. My girls have one where they call out to our baserunners to do a little dance on base. I think it is hilarious. They tell them to wiggle, do the chicken little (think chicken dance), and raise the roof a little. It kind of reminds me of the how Michigan did their silly pizza making routine. They do know when I am being very serious about cutting out the taunting though. We were having a practice game last night with another local all star team that has 4 kids that are all in various phases of learning to pitch. My kids were starting to call out to taunt about low and high pitches from the dugout while I was calling balls and strikes from behind the pitcher. I turned and gave them one quick, "Shut your mouths!" They straightened up pretty fast. Sometimes it is good to be a really big guy with a HUGE booming voice. :)
Jan 17, 2012
A lot of work goes into dugout choreography at DD's University. And if a game is televised the sky's the limit.

When they we're little I always told them to be "on the fence."
Mar 13, 2010
It's only ever men that hate cheering! Then again pre teen girls can get quite shrill! I loved doing cheers, it was always so much fun. We had dances for a lot of ours.
Jun 18, 2013
It's only ever men that hate cheering! Then again pre teen girls can get quite shrill! I loved doing cheers, it was always so much fun. We had dances for a lot of ours.

Very large, grumpy, easily aggravated, usually frustrated looking man here. I love the girls cheering. I just make them move down away from the dugout door where I am sitting on my bucket to do it so they aren't screaming in my ear. :)

And it drives my wife crazy.


Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
They will chant in college. Count on it. They have a chant for everything. I used to hate them but have come to laugh at some of them. I really don't mind now. BTW, our chants in TB never stopped at any age.
Jul 6, 2013
Nor do ours. I think the reason chants stop for some teams is coaches banning it from their teams. They start to think that 14U travel ball and up is "serious ball"...which it is in some respects. But let's not lose sight of the fact that the only folks who know what your travel team did that weekend are the ones at the park and your friends on social media. 20 years from now, those girls will remember the fun, or lack thereof, they used to have more so than how they placed in tournaments. They may remember if they were good or bad, but little else. At least, I sure don't. They can do cheers and not have it impact their development negatively in any way.

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