Volunteer umpires at USSSA tournament

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Ken Krause

May 7, 2008
Mundelein, IL
I wasn't there but I heard about it from the dad of a couple of my pitching students. This happened at the USSSA State tournament in Rockford last weekend, 13U level.

Teams show up for their pool play games and lo and behold! No umpires. Apparently the person who was supposed to schedule them never did, and then quit the night before the tournament. The two events were probably related.

So now what do you do? On the one hand, you have a lot of teams who paid a lot of money to be there under the assumption they would have professional umpires running the games. Without that you're really cheating them. On the other hand, you have a lot of teams that paid a lot of money to be there, and to travel there. They're not going to be too happy if there are no games.

The solution the tournament directors came up with was to find volunteer umpires wherever they could - coaches they knew, people involved with the tourney - and play on. They probably first prayed for rain that day but that didn't happen.

Unfortunately, with untrained officials you ran into some problems. Ball/strike calls being one of them. My student had a tough time pitching that day. She gets a lot of movement on the ball, but untrained umpires tend to call the pitch where the catcher receives it rather than where it crosses the plate. So her walks were far higher than normal, and when she adjusted to throw straight on in she got hit.

Luckily she was laughing about it when I saw her last night, and told a couple of good stories. Apparently whoever was umping that game knelt down behind the catcher for the entire game. He also didn't have a clicker, so the counts were interesting. On one batter, she said she threw a perfect changeup on a 2-0 count, and not only was it called for a ball the umpire called ball 4. The pitcher said the umpire was relying on the scoreboard for the ball/strike count, and that was being run by a kid. The coach tried to argue it and show the book but the umpire insisted he was right.

In another instance, a batter with a 2-0 count fouled a ball back to bring the count to 2-1. He called the next pitch a ball and again awarded a walk. This time the coach argued the foul ball on the previous pitch successfully and got the call corrected.

Sounds like it was a clusterflop of epic proportions. So for those of you who complain about the umpires you're seeing, know it could be worse.
Jun 7, 2013
Sure, it could have been worse!

You could have been one of those volunteer umpires having to walk back to their car in the parking lot after the games!
Dec 11, 2010
That tournament should be in the Quad Cities or Peoria/East Peoria.

We avoid Rockford, it's non-maintained fields and its umpires at all costs.

The volunteers probably were not as bad as some of the patched umpires up there.

I'll add we played a NSA tournament in East Peoria last week and I have never seen a complete tournament umpired as well as that one. Most were also ASA umps.
Jun 8, 2012
It was a major cluster.... The ump that knelt down on one knee also was looking over our catcher's left shoulder. He couldn't see around her helmet to call an outside corner. My DD had to throw everything down the middle to get a call. He also called an infield fly with runners on 2nd and 3rd. Several of the umps admitted they were slow pitch umps and didn't know the rules. It was bad to say the least....
Nov 18, 2013
It was a major cluster.... The ump that knelt down on one knee also was looking over our catcher's left shoulder. He couldn't see around her helmet to call an outside corner. My DD had to throw everything down the middle to get a call. He also called an infield fly with runners on 2nd and 3rd. Several of the umps admitted they were slow pitch umps and didn't know the rules. It was bad to say the least....

Perhaps you should have volunteered instead?
Jun 8, 2012
Perhaps you should have volunteered instead?

Perhaps I should have. I forgot, I'm the only one that had a complaint. Remember that the next time you have a complaint about a tournament, an umpire, a call on the field, etc... If I was able to be in direct sun exposure all day, without it being a health risk, maybe I would have. I prefer to be around to see my daughter graduate and walk her down the aisle when that time comes, those things are a bit more important. Thanks for the suggestion though.

And notice, I never once complained that it affected the outcome of any of my DD's games. There are bad calls with certified paid umps at times.
Nov 29, 2009
Funny thing about the Rockford area. It used to be one of the better places to play. There was a guy named Chuck Lockinger who ran pretty much all the tournaments there. Most of them were ASA and AFA tournaments. There were a few years where they had the AFA 14U Nationals there and some Chicago Metro tournaments as well.

SportScore is a pretty good facility so long as the Rock River does no go over flood stage. Unfortunately, Chuck suffered a massive heart attack and passed several years ago. Since then different people have been fighting for control of the area along with Game Day. It's not a good situation for the softball community in the Rockford area.

As others have said. Stay away from any tournaments in Rockford for the foreseeable future.
Dec 11, 2010
Sparkyguy- thanks for the history. I'm too new to all this to know about that but our coaches who have been around noticed the decline right away.

Sometimes one person can do a lot of good for a lot of people. It is a shame to lose people like that.

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